However, even better would be to rethink whether we need this second sentence at all. The author wants to say that he used Hemingway Editor to identify complex sentences so that he could improve them. I don’t think we need to specify that the way he did this was by making them “shor...
Don'timmediatelystartrespondingwithafirstthingthatcomestomind.不要一想到就马上开始回应。Thinkaboutyouroverallanswer, anditshouldtakeonly2-3seconds.想想你的整体答案,应该只需要 2 到 3 秒。Andthemoreyoudoit, thebetteryougetatit.你思考得越多,就会说得越好。Butthinkaboutthebeginning - whatyouwanttosay...
Just like developing your speaking skills, and developing your grammar and vocabulary, and all of that good stuff, when it comes to using a second language.这就像提高你的口语技能、语法和词汇量一样。So, in this video, I'm going to give you some tips and strategies to help you improve you...
How to be a better conversationalist? • 一个好的交谈是这样的,在交谈之后,你会感到很受鼓舞,很享受,和别人拥有了真实的连接,你自己完全被他人所理解。A really great conversation is the kind of conversation where you walk away feeling engaged and inspired, where you feel like you have made a ...
Those who can not tell the mind, no one resonates with the emotions, some people put in the wine, some people put in the music, some people put in the night Gradually understand, rather than tell, it is better to shut up, rather than argue, it is better to keep silent, when you ...
2.How to make a sentence? 词类(part of speech) 词类 英语名称 意义 例词 名词 Noun (n.) 表示人或事物的名称。 boy, pencil, book, backpack 冠词 Article (art.) 用在名词前帮助说明名词所指的人或事物。 a (an), the 代词 Pronoun (pron.) 用来代替名词、形容词或数词。 we, that, his, ...
So reading out loud is a really good way to sort of stretch and warm up your mouth ready for English.不必担心完美,你只是在习惯发出这些音,用英语把这些音和其他的音一起发出来。大声朗读是非常好的给嘴巴热热身,准备说英语的很好的方式。So it's a good idea to do it before you go to class...
What this means practically is that when you're trying to write that perfect, A-plus-worthy sentence, you're turning off most of your best resources and writing skills. So stop. Stop trying to write a good essay (or even a “good-enough” essay). Instead, write aninterestingessay, writ...
The short sentences state the truth, without meandering into a story. These sentences simply tell you: This is how it was. Note how the second short sentence—But she was a good cook—repeats the first. This repetition gives extra stress to the key message: She’s a good cook! Rhythm...