如需Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 文件安裝選項的詳細資訊,請參閱「說明系統」的讀我檔案。 讀我檔案 (\\Program Files\Microsoft Help Viewer\v1.0) 是做為 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 安裝的一部分進行安裝的。 安裝維護 可以使用 [控制台] 重新執行安裝程式,來維護現有的 Visual Studio 安裝。
您可以使用移轉,如果您不想要部署程式碼第一個資料庫,請參閱 Visual Studio 及 ASP.NET 的 Web 應用程式專案部署常見問題集How do I deploy a Code First database without using Migrations?。 如果您未使用程式碼的第一個內容類別存取資料庫,,而且,如果是 SQL Server 或 SQL Server Express 資料庫,然後,您...
After the project loads in Visual Studio, if your Visual Studio solution has more than one project, make sure to set the project with the Main method as the startup project. To set the startup project, right-click on the project name or node in Solution Explorer and choose Set as Start...
Adding the project folder to the list of trusted locations will help make sure that the document works as expected at design time. You are creating a Word Template project that is based on a .dotx file. You must add the project folder to the list of trusted locations so that you can ...
您可以使用 Visual Studio Tools for Office,對 2007 Microsoft Office system 和 Microsoft Office 2003 中的應用程式建立下列類型的專案: 應用程式層級增益集。 文件層級自訂。 SharePoint 工作流程。如需建立 SharePoint 工作流程專案的詳細資訊,請參閱HOW TO:建立 SharePoint 工作流程專案。
In Visual Studio, select the project where you want to create a UML project for it. Right click on the project and selectVisual ParadigmProject > ImportVisual ParadigmProject...from the popup menu. ImportVisual Paradigmproject Specify the path of source .vpp project as well as the location of...
Use it when you are writing a program that uses SQL Server Agent. The Common namespace is required to establish a secure connection to the instance of SQL Server. The SqlClient namespace is used to process SQL exception errors. Creating a Visual C# SMO project in Visual Studio.NET Start ...
if the pre-build event failed. Eventually I found a way to do this, but I had to ask a friend of mine who works on theMSBuildteam in Visual Studio. Hopefully anyone else who searches for a way to do this will be able to find this post and figure it out more ...
I downloaded it and installed it on my Mac. So far so good.When I try to create a c++ project/program it only gives me the option of creating c# programs, at least it doesn't give a c++ option.So, how can I write and run c++ programs on...
s a good idea to include spaces in the name to make it look good. c. Company Name: Your company name or your name. This will show up as Created By in Visual Studio when consumers browse online templates. d. Version: Higher numbered versions supersede lower numbers ...