HOW TO:建立和執行自動 Visual Studio 安裝程式 HOW TO:使用 Microsoft System Configuration Manager (SCCM) 部署 Visual Studio 個別部署 Visual Studio 元件 安裝多個語言版本的 Visual Studio 安裝程式和安裝錯誤的其他相關資訊 HOW TO:從 Visual Studio 試用版升級 HOW TO:找出 Visual Studio 產品金鑰Learn...
How to start Visual Studio
HOW TO:停用和重新啟用 Visual Studio 工具和擴充功能 發行項 2011/08/12 [擴充管理員] 可讓您停用已安裝的擴充功能 (Extension),然後在需要時重新啟用這些擴充功能。 這個功能 (Feature) 專屬於 VSIX 格式的擴充功能,而您無法停用或啟用以 MSI 為基礎的擴充功能。 若要停用擴充功能 按一下 [工具] 功能表...
HOW TO:從 Visual Studio 啟動工具 HOW TO:將快速鍵 (Accelerator) 和快速鍵 (Shortcut Key) 加入外部工具 引數對話方塊 外部工具引數 HOW TO:變更開發環境啟動時所顯示的項目 使用設定 HOW TO:使用快速鍵組合 選項對話方塊 (Visual Studio) Visual Studio 外部工具 自訂起始頁Learn...
Visual Studio 影像程式庫與 Visual Studio 一起安裝在您的電腦上。 若要存取影像程式庫中的檔案,您必須將它們從 進行解壓縮。 若要安裝 Visual Studio 2010 影像程式庫 找出。 此檔案通常安裝在 .. \Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\VS2010Image...
Smart Device Programming with Visual Studio .NET 2003 How Do I: Use the Data Generation Wizard to Create a Data-bound Data Generation Plan? Scott Burmester Windows CE 5.0 Platform Builder Documentation (January 27, 2005) Web Services SQL Server Express - What's Next Windows Imaging File Format...
After putting many hours of labor into a software application, the last thing that you want to do is spend a large amount of time creating an installer to share your creation with the world. Fortunately, the Visual Studio Express product line includes some of the same installer technology foun...
Please try to remove the section entry with startup from your setup.exe.Config under C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\setup.exe.Config Note: Please backup setup.exe.Config file firstly! After this, delete the Visual Studio Installer folder. Typically, the ...
Is there something new Visual Studio users do in the IDE that indicates they will return or abandon after 5 minutes? We set out to answer this question by: Observing developers, both brand new to Visual Studio and seasoned, as they find Visual Studio to download, configure, and ...
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.BindToMoniker Sample Code Start Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or Microsoft Visual Studio .NET. On the File menu, click New, and then click Project. Under Project types, click Visual C# Projects, and then, under Templates, click Windows Application. Form1 is...