Handling exceptions 1.Exception handling came into existence as a common way to deal with unexpected errors in a program.Since such situations (wrong situations) will certainly occur, a way to recognize such errors is required. 2.Exceptions provide the mechanism for this behavior. They force a p...
A developer wants to integrate the Virtual Earth JScript control into an existing Silverlight application. The developer wants to script the control by using the new Dynamic feature that is available in C# 4.0 and Visual Basic 10.0. The application already displays a list o...
Visual D aims at providing seamless integration of the D programming language into Visual Studio. For installer download, more documentation and build instructions, please visithttp://rainers.github.io/visuald/visuald/StartPage.html. Use forumhttp://forum.dlang.org/group/digitalmars.D.idefor ques...
Visual Studio Tools for Unity registers a log callback with Unity to be able to stream its console to Visual Studio. If your editor scripts also register a log callback with Unity, the VSTU callback might interfere with it. To learn how you can share the Unity ...
I'm thinking about converting the serial data I have into keyboard events with SendKeyboardString in the OpenNETCF library. A: I'm not sure what question your asking here, can you be more specific?markpre_ms (Expert): Q: Each form in my application will watch for keypress events. I ...
建立VSTO 增益集專案時,Visual Studio 會自動建立 ThisAddIn.vb (在 Visual Basic 中) 或 ThisAddIn.cs (在 C#) 程式碼檔案中。 此檔案包含 ThisAddIn 類別,為 VSTO 增益集提供基礎。 載入或卸載 VSTO 增益集時,您可以使用這個類別的成員來執行程式碼,以存取主應用程式的物件模型及擴充應用程式的功能。 如需...
Includes conceptual information about how to develop Visual FoxPro applications, instructions for creating databases and the user interface, and other tasks needed to create Visual FoxPro applications. Programming in Visual FoxPro Discusses how you can access the full power of Visual FoxPro by creating ...
If you're working on data, Edward Tufte's The Visual Display of Quantitative Information is considered a classic. The Universal Principles of Design will give you enough vocabulary and concepts to describe design challenges into words. Book recommendations from HackerNews 🏙Design for Non-Designers...
Programming C# with Visual Studio .NET 2005 is a practical guide to writing software using the latest version of the C# language. After covering the fundamentals of the language, the book moves into more advanced topics, such as Windows Programming, Threads, Database Programming with ADO.NET, ...