Basic SELECT Query to Retrieve Tables Inside INFORMATION_SCHEMA in PostgreSQL A very simple query to get all the tables inside this SCHEMA would be to write something like this. select * from information_schema.tables This would return a table like this. Output: Here you can see all the ta...
1 How to find and delete some tables from PostgreSQL Database 0 Delete a broken postgreSQL table 5 Unable to delete a row in Postgresql 1 Unable to delete a postgresql database 4 How to delete postgresql database on linux 0 Delete selected tables from Postgres sql Hot Network Quest...
When I do a\dtin psql I only get a listing of tables in the current schema (publicby default). How can I get a list of all tables in all schemas or a particular schema? postgresql command psql postgresql-9.1 dbtable Share Copy link ...
Getting a result set of tables and their indexes is straight forward,what I'm missing is the index type (BTREE, BRIN, etc..) I can't seem to find the type of index anywhere in the system catalogs. How can I query the catalogs to get a list of indexes along with their...
Connecting PostgreSql to C# windows forms Connecting to Remote Server (Linux) from .NET application(C#) to run a UNIX script hosted on linux server Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message : Access is denied. Connection refused if I use
The column and table constraints are supported by PostgreSQL How to create a table with Primary key and foreign key Populate the list of the tables by querying the pg_admin schema and pgAdmin4 tool In my next articles, we will learn how to manage the tables in PostgreSQL. ...
To remove the column we just created, enter this command: ALTER TABLE pg_equipment DROP COLUMN working_order; We can rename the entire table with this command: ALTER TABLE pg_equipment RENAME TO playground_equip; Deleting Tables in PostgreSQL ...
Example: How to Use RENAME TO Clause in PostgreSQL Open the SQL SHELL, connect to a database of your choice, and perform the following steps to rename a table: Step 1: Check the Available Tables in the Selected Database Using \dt Command Run the below-mentioned command in the SQL SHELL...
but i don't know how to connect with first table basically i want the records form first table is where reopen=1 select * from firsttable where reopen=1 and fetch the current status and usertype from the second table according to max datetime postgresql join Share Improve this question Fo...
Sometimes, a table may be part of some schema ("owner") or might have had a different name in the past (see: PostgreSQL Rename Table). So first find out what is the schema ("owner") of the table: SELECT schemaname, tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename='table_name'; and ...