postgres-# \dn information_schema This tells us the OWNER of the SCHEMA. \z Modifications to Get All Tables in PostgreSQL An alternative to the first solution would be to use: postgres-# \dt *.* This will return all the tables as what’s done before. We hope you learned the differ...
SELECT tab_size /1024 AS size_kb ,tab_size /1024 /1024 AS size_mb ,tab_size /1024 /1024 / 1024 AS size_gb ,tab_size /1024 /1024 / 1024 / 1024 AS size_tb FROM ( SELECT pg_total_relation_size(relid) AS tab_size FROM pg_catalog.pg_statio_user_tables WHERE schemaname = 'your...
All of the previous answers has covered the public schemas. However, as Postgres supports multiple schemas, you can do query in other schemas too, just put your schema name in place of public. For Example: select*frompg_tableswhereschemaname='your_own_schema_name'; ...
Is the mapping between PostgreSQL system tables and information_schema views documented? 5 Adding an index to a system catalog in Postgres 2 Olson DB: which version in PostgreSQL? 5 postgres system catalog query columns from table 3 Have several 128 elements lists, need to obtain...
r--SELECT("read")w--UPDATE("write")a--INSERT("append")d--DELETED--TRUNCATEx--REFERENCESt--TRIGGERX--EXECUTEU--USAGEC--CREATEc--CONNECTT--TEMPORARYarwdDxt--ALLPRIVILEGES(fortables,variesforother objects)*--grant optionforpreceding privilege ...
If you set a relevant column in permission_target to NULL (e.g., the object_name and column_name columns in a TABLE entry), the meaning is that the entry refers to all possible objects (in the example above, all tables in the schema). ...
如何使用.net核心DBFunction将行作为参数传递给Postgres函数 将默认参数作为默认参数传递给函数 Wt connect函数,将参数传递给作为connect函数参数的函数 将向量的切片作为参数传递给函数 将typdef struct作为参数传递给函数 PowerShell:将块作为参数传递给函数 dplyr:将变量作为参数传递给函数 ...
31.查询表是否存在 select * from pg_statio_user_tables where relname='你的表名'; 32.为用户复制SCHEMA权限 grant all on SCHEMA 作用域名称 to 用户名称 33.整个数据库导出 pg_dumpall -D -p 端口号 -h 服务器IP -U postgres(用户名) > /home/xiaop/all.bak 34.数据库备份恢复 psql -h ...
2017PostgreSQL,PostgreSQL DBA ScriptAnvesh Patel,database,database research and development,dbrnd,plpgsql,Postgres Query,postgresql,PostgreSQL Administrator,PostgreSQL Error,PostgreSQL Monitoring,PostgreSQL Performance Tuning,PostgreSQL Programming,PostgreSQL Tips and Tricks,Temp Table,Temp Table ...
I did not find function that would allow me to get list of tables in database. And it is not obvious to me from doc if its possible to list all columns with 'columnInfo' function.