Here you will see different tables with the TABLE_SCHEMA set to INFORMATION_SCHEMA. But, didn’t we call INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES, then what is this? Let us explain. The TABLE_SCHEMA tells us the SCHEMA contains the table. When we call INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES, it returns all the objects...
select * from DBA_PART_TABLES --显示当前用户可访问的所有分区表信息: select * from ALL_PART_TABLES --显示当前用户所有分区表的信息: select * from USER_PART_TABLES --显示表分区信息 显示数据库所有分区表的详细分区信息: select * from DBA_TAB_PARTITIONS --显示当前用户可访问的所有分区表的详细分区...
Now here's how to get top 100 tables on your database: SELECT schemaname AS table_schema, relname AS table_name, PG_SIZE_PRETTY(PG_TOTAL_RELATION_SIZE(relid)) AS total_size, PG_SIZE_PRETTY(PG_RELATION_SIZE(relid)) AS data_size, PG_SIZE_PRETTY(PG_TOTAL_RELATION_SIZE(relid) - PG_R...
\ddp [PATTERN] list default privileges \dD[S] [PATTERN] list domains \det[+] [PATTERN] list foreign tables \des[+] [PATTERN] list foreign servers \deu[+] [PATTERN] list user mappings \dew[+] [PATTERN] list foreign-data wrappers \df[antw][S+] [PATRN] list [only agg/normal/trigge...
Getting a result set of tables and their indexes is straight forward,what I'm missing is the index type (BTREE, BRIN, etc..) I can't seem to find the type of index anywhere in the system catalogs. How can I query the catalogs to get a list of indexes along with their...
GRANTprivilege_list|ALLONALLTABLESINSCHEMAschema_nameTOrole_name; ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA 表示某个模式中的所有表,可以方便批量授权操作。例如: hrdb=#GRANTSELECThrdb-#ONALLTABLESINSCHEMApublichrdb-#TOtony;GRANT 该语句将 public 模式中所有表的查询权限授予 tony 用户。
When I do a\dtin psql I only get a listing of tables in the current schema (publicby default). How can I get a list of all tables in all schemas or a particular schema? postgresql command psql postgresql-9.1 dbtable Share Copy link ...
dong=# create publication pub1 for all table ; 1. 查看发布的表list dong=# select * from pg_publication_tables; pubname | schemaname | tablename ---+---+--- pub1 | public | tlt (1 row) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 查询发布状态
pg_read_all_stats pg_stat_scan_tables pg_read_server_files pg_write_server_files pg_execute_server_program pg_signal_backend(9rows)Time:0.955ms 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 但它确实是存在的,它默认拥有: ... tables的类似方法 PG里面暂时没有找到show tables这种的快捷方式,目前发现有两类方式。 一种是通过数据字典pg_tables来查看,相当于Oracle里面的all_tables 或者是使用information_schema里面的tables来查看。 postgres=# select *from information_schema.tables; postgres=# select *from pg_tables; PG里面的in...