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I'm also a pro natural bodybuilder and have been competing for the past 7 years so I've experienced many of the ups and downs associated with bodybuilding and I will discuss these and how to make your bodybuilding experience fun and fulfilling. How Do I Get Started? As simple as it may...
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and may even lead to you giving up and quitting altogether. If you want to get Brutally Huge fast, you need this book, which I promise you, contains principles and ways of thinking and training, that you absolutely will not find in any bodybuilding magazines. In my personal opinion, the ...
When you first hit the gym, what was the first muscle you trained? Biceps. Endless curls for the girls to get bigger biceps. If you're a female, you likely
You want to be a bodybuilder but can't get to the gym that often. Here's how to make your once-a-week bodybuilding workout count.
Currently, many young people are interested in bodybuilding and think about training it. Some of them reflect on how you can start doing it. Contrary to appearances, the advice “go to the gym” is not an exhaustive answer to this question. As a person who trains bodybuilding for many year...
Bodybuilding Motivational Tips-Simple motivation tips, natural bodybuilders can use to maximize their bodybuilding potential. How to get 6 Pack Abs-Many of you have been wondering, how in the world can I get a 6 pack of Abs? or how in the heck do the people in those magazines get 6 pac...
Anarchy rules: when and how to break bodybuilding rules in order to shock complacent muscles.Merritt, Greg