This method doesn’t only help you learn how to get deodorant stains out of clothes, but it can also be used to pre-treat and remove several other common stains. How to get rid of deodorant stains quickly with tights Need to know how to remove deodorant stains, fast? This special tric...
Few things can get your day off on the wrong foot like discovering stray white deodorant marks on a black dress or discolored pit stains on your white shirt. Unfortunately, the same ingredients designed to keep you dry and fresh can leave their own marks on your clothes. The main thing to...
Wear deodorant: After showering and before wearing your clothes, apply an antiperspirant deodorant. This way, you’ll reduce the amount of butyric acid that your armpits produce. Knowing how to keep clothes fresh without washing is a great way to save water and smell good. With clothes that ...
+ After every ride, if you have gone through snow or slush, wipe down your bike – particularly the cables and the chain. Also, pay special attention to your rims. Grime gathers quickly in winter weather, and it can wear down your brake pads and damage your rims if left unchecked. + ...
HOW TO STOP ARMPIT CHAFING Keep your pits happy by wearing a moisture-wicking fitted tee that covers your armpits so your skin doesn’t rub together. Antiperspirants also help to diminish sweat, so grab a good deodorant to keep you feeling fresh and chafe-free. HOW TO STOP BREAST AND NIPP...
Nope! Most are formulated to boost hydration and improve the absorption or application of other skincare products and makeup. Some mists are designed for unique skincare issues, so check the packaging first. Get breezy One of the easiest ways to cool down and dry off quickly is to get ...
Below I'll discuss briefly what I think are good things to carry around in your purse, since this can help you not go overboard with the decluttering process and eliminate things from your purse that you'll actually wish you had in there!
Click here to post comments Wipe Away Deodorant Marks With Baby Wipes Another quick way to remove accidental stray deodorant marks you get on your clothes is to give those marks a quick swipe with a baby wipe. Especially if you catch it quickly, like as soon as you put on your deodorant...
If the answer is no, do not just spray it with deodorant and cram it in a plastic bag and send it off you creature, wash it. Damaged Damage on clothing can range anywhere from a simple loose button to a gaping hole the size of a honeydew melon. It goes without saying that some it...
Say Goodbye to white deodorant stains on your clothes. Check out our tips on how to apply correctly, choose the right deodorant , and remove stains effectively.