Choose a specially formulated deodorant, like Dove, to avoid white marks and keep your clothing free from deodorant residue. Welcome to #CleanTok The home of cleaning on TikTok. Brought to you by Cleanipedia. Proud Supporter of #CleanTok How to remove deodorant stains with detergent Pre-...
tells Hunker, "Some fragrances in deodorants can cause discoloration on clothing, particularly on light-colored fabrics." She says that propylene glycol, commonly used as a humectant in deodorants (a substance used to reduce moisture levels), can also cause oil stains...
Proud Supporter of #CleanTok Cleaning vomit from carpet in 6 steps 1 Put on protective clothing Put on protective gloves and clothing, and make sure the room is well-ventilated. 2 Scrape off any solid matter with a cloth Depending on the consistency of the vomit, scrape off any ...
makes rusty looking stains on my husband's clothing when he sweats. I have thrown out several because there is no way to get them clean. Can you help? Regarding Oily Stains on Pillow Cases and Bed Linens by: Anonymous My husband has the same problems with his pillow cases. I ...
Deodorant without aluminum in its formula allows you to perspire naturally, limiting collar stains, as well as residue on your shirt’s underarms. Frequent Washing and Regular Exfoliation Your neck and jaw area cause the majority of collar stains, so regularly keeping these areas clean can furth...
Take your pit etiquette (pitiquette) to a new level with these helpful tips: 1. Wear Deodorant No matter whether or not you have some armpit hair, you still have the potential to smell pretty bad, especially after a grueling workout. Make sure you’re not messing up anybody else’s rep...
A frequent question I get here on the site is "how to remove deodorant stains from clothes?" It is really no surprise because antiperspirant sticks, rolls on and sprays all easily get onto clothing, where the chemicals within them can cling to the fibers, and even begin to change the colo...
Now you’ll never wonder where your deodorant has gone again. Dress Socks View It On Peper Harow Karl Lagerfeld rolls over in his grave every time a man wears Nike tube socks with leather shoes. If you want to embrace a gentlemanly status, dress socks are just necessary. They’re ...
Here is how to clean your washing machine so it is shiny and scum-free, just like the day you bought it! These great cleaning tips for both top and front load washing machines. MY LATEST VIDEOS How to Easily Clean Your Washing Machine I know. I know. Laundry. *shudder* It’s bad ...
It’s difficult to completely avoid toxins in our environment. As most people live in cities, there’s always going to be a certain level of toxin exposure. However, by trying to limit your exposure, choosing clean and eco-friendly products, and replacing plastic clothing and cookware wi...