In addition, if these marks don't seem to just rub away you using any of the methods suggested above you might have to get a bit more serious about them. In that case check out the article onhow to remove deodorant stains from clothes, which contains even more tips for how to wash t...
This deodorant stain removal tip should work wonders and enable you to use your favourite outfit in an instant without having to throw it in the wash beforehand. It really is the best way to remove deodorant stains from clothes straight after they happen. How to prevent deodorant stains What...
Finally, below is a video giving a tip about how to rub your deodorant stains away when you get a stripe of deodorant on your clothes. You can get one of these streaks if you put your deodorant on after you have on your clothes, or even if you put on your clothes too quickly after...
You’ll need these items to remove the stains from your clothes: Tide laundry detergent Clear ammonia gloves to protect your hands an old toothbrush I’ve tried this method with several different detergents, but Tide proved to be the most effective in removing underarm stains. Yes, I know Ti...
One of the best ways to remove deodorant stains from clothes without washing is to make a baking soda paste in a three-to-one ratio with water. You can also add a dash of Tide Ultra OXI Powder Laundry Detergent or hydrogen peroxide to the solution to give it an extra boost. As always...
Do not store in direct sunlight and protect from temperature extremes. Always try a small amount on fabrics before use. Keep out of reach of children. External use only. Description Size 100ml Usage Spray directly Use For Pet, Fabric, Clothe...
Deo-Go’s active ingredients target the antiperspirant or deodorant residue build-up, dissolving and completely removing the and stiff patches and pit stains, restoring the garment’s original appearance! Removing stains from clothes has never been easier!
Laundry Beads Liquid Gel Ball Widely Capsules Pods for Clothes Washing Negotiable Factory Price Custom Laundry Detergent Washing Liquid Negotiable Liquid Dishwashing Detergent Tea Cleaning Products Negotiable Laundry Capsules Color Protection High Effici...
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It's just amazing. I learned about bamboo with the Ethique deodorants. I don't care for Ethique though because they have zinc and it turns my skin white and gets on my clothes. So back to it, it has been over 2 months and it works! I love it! It's not overpowering with the ...