Abusing alcohol can profoundly affect a person’s life. Learn about the dangers of alcohol abuse and how to get help for alcoholism. Responsible forover5% of all deaths, alcohol abuse is the fourth leadingcauseof preventable death in the U.S. The substance has significant power to create a...
Maybe you see depressed people differently. You think of them as flawed or defective. Multiple university studies have shown that A students are more likely to have bipolar condition. Our brains aren't broken or damaged, they just work differently. I spent a lot of years thinking happy people...
Your brain is hard to get to -- it's encased in your skull. Tools for looking at the brain, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines, can require a person to be partially or completely still. This can make it hard for doctors to observe people's brain activity during real-li...
Don't forget that your family is a person, no matter how difficult the situation becomes. It can be easy to shift to thinking more about the diagnosis of bipolar disorder or psychosis and less about the individual. When this happens, the conversation might shift to be all about diagnosis,...
There are, however, measures we can take to slow the rush of panic and help us get through these intense and uncomfortable feelings. This post will take you through the steps of creating a panic “tool kit,” which you can utilize when you are feeling panicky. The idea is to have ...
Somnambulists are individuals who ___. (a) are potential victims of sleep apnea (b) experience insomnia (c) have taken too many sleeping pills (d) walk in their sleep. How does bipolar disorder affect a person's ability to work? Does ...
eAskme is the fastest growing blog worldwide. eAskme advocates a boss free life with blogging, marketing, WordPress, SEO, Make money online, marketing.
In other words, Einstein needed fantastic housekeepers because he made such a mess with all of his amazing thoughts. Unfortunately, other scientists thought Diamond's work was a mess as well. For one thing, glial cells continue to divide during a person's life. Though Einstein died at ...
Miklowitz: Well, if it's a very young child, we don't come in with all guns blazing, so to speak. You don't necessarily give the strongest medications. If it's unquestionably bipolar disorder, you're really seeing a kid that needs to be in the hospital, or he or she is suicidal...
Suicidal ideations are troubling, but help is available to stop them. Suicide is intentionally acting to end one's life. Suicide attempts may be planned out or impulsive. Murder-suicide involves a person killing someone else, then himself or herself. This is a very dramatic, but fortunately ra...