Alcohol poisoningcan be fatal. If you suspect someone is experiencing alcohol poisoning, call 911 immediately. Do NOT be afraid to seek help. If you do not have access to a phone,contactWeb Poison Control Services for online assistance. ...
Kim Mills: Up to 4% of people in the US live with bipolar disorder, what used to be called manic depression, but as common as this mood disorder is, it is also often misunderstood and misdiagnosed. Indeed, many people with bipolar disorder wait years bet
You shouldn’t try to fix someone’s depression. The best solution is to do your best to make this person feel understood and supported. Tell them that they are not alone in this and that you’re always ready to listen. Ask them what help they need, and be compassionate. Don’t tell...
Low-temperature fuel cells use lightweight metals, graphite and carbon/thermoset composites (thermoset is a kind of plastic that remains rigid even when subjected to high temperatures) as bipolar plate material. Chemistry of a Fuel Cell Anode side: 2H₂ → 4H⁺ + 4e⁻ Cathode side: O...
The absence of the ability to just get over it is depression. 所谓的忧郁症, 就是缺乏克服它的能力。 We feel it in our bodies -- it's a physical thing for us. And medically it's no different from telling someone with a broken ankle or cancer, "just get over it." Don't be hell-...
It’s possible to learn how to manage bipolar disorder and its symptoms. Here are 10 tips for living successfully with bipolar.
Our inability to be honest about wanting to end a friendship can cause a lot of confusion. For some reason, when we no longer wish to be friends with someone, we never seem to say what we mean. RELATED:The Essential Guide to Maintaining Friendships with Bipolar ...
Finding a Bridge: If you’ve cut yourself off from others, find a bridge back by reaching out to someone you trust. Share what’s happened and ask for any support you may need. Let the other person know you are trying to be more open and vulnerable in your relationships. Repa...
These changes may make it difficult to tell how someone's brain compared to other brains while that person was alive. In addition, postmortem examinations cannot evaluate brain activity. In spite of all those challenges, researchers have figured out a few things about how the brain affects ...
In addition to solving crimes, Monk spends his time dealing with uncontrollable habits, such as obsessively cleaning his apartment or using sanitized wipes after shaking someone's hand. He's also afraid of practically everything, but particularly heights, large groups, germs and all manner of ...