Miklowitz: Well, if it's a very young child, we don't come in with all guns blazing, so to speak. You don't necessarily give the strongest medications. If it's unquestionably bipolar disorder, you're really seeing a kid that needs to be in the hospital, or he or she is suicidal,...
Kim Mills: Up to 4% of people in the US live with bipolar disorder, what used to be called manic depression, but as common as this mood disorder is, it is also often misunderstood and misdiagnosed. Indeed, many people with bipolar disorder wait years bet
It’s possible to learn how to manage bipolar disorder and its symptoms. Here are 10 tips for living successfully with bipolar.
Feel depressed, especially if you havebipolarI disorder Mania Diagnosis Once you're in a full-blown manic state, you may not think you need help or be willing to accept it. That's why the best way to deal with mania is to address it early on. ...
Our inability to be honest about wanting to end a friendship can cause a lot of confusion. For some reason, when we no longer wish to be friends with someone, we never seem to say what we mean. RELATED:The Essential Guide to Maintaining Friendships with Bipolar ...
8 Ways to Deal With Someone You Can't Stand Dealing With Avoiding people one doesn't like can lead to increased political polarization and tribalism in the culture, and is not practical. Anxiety 5 Min Read 50 Strategies to Beat Anxiety Not all anxiety-reducing strategies...
I know I’m not alone in this struggle. Weight gain is a common symptom of thyroid disease. When people struggle with their weight, eventually they look to the thyroid, so in some ways we can thank our bodies for letting us know there is something going on that we need to focus on....
How to Improve Your Self-Esteem - Are you ready to make a commitment to increase your self-esteem? Overcome negative self-talk and a poor self-image. Recession and Unemployment - These factors are causing people to deal with a number of difficult problems with regards to getting different pla...
Parentification comprises a series of role reversals in which a child needs to care for a parent. Relationships 6 Min Read 5 Ways to Deal with Someone Who Always Has to Be Right Conflict is a natural part of interpersonal relationships. Self Tests 3 min Boundaries Test How comforta...
Signs of depressionmay differ according to sex and age. There are also various types of depression and depressive disorders, including major depression,bipolar disorder(previously known as manic depression),postpartum depressionand dysthymia, among others.8 ...