A person can overcome alcohol abuse before it spirals into a full-blown alcohol addiction. The best time to get help to stop drinking is when you realize you have a problem. This can include learning you meet the criteria for heavy or binge drinking or that alcohol is causing negative conse...
When we hold panic in and keep it to ourselves, we tend to fixate more on its symptoms—which can actually escalate their intensity. Whether it is a partner, friend, family member, therapist, or other trusted person, consider who you can talk to when you are feeling panicky. The simple ...
However, people experiencing depressive episodes are less likely to have the motivation to clean and when they are in the midst of a manic episode, they are often very distracted. Only by askingwhat is bipolar disorderor what is OCD, can we begin to understand these conditions and whether the...
Miklowitz: I would say this, it is a combination of genetic, biological, and social. It certainly runs in families. People inherit a predisposition to bipolar disorder. They don't necessarily have bipolar people in their family that they can identify, but often there's somebody in the family...
You're much more likely to catch the joy of human bonding. 你较有可能感染到的 会是人际交流的喜悦。 Maybe you see depressed people differently. You think of them as flawed or defective. Multiple university studies have shown that A students are more likely to have bipolar condition. Our brai...
RELATED:How Bipolar Has Influenced My Cycle of Friendships Stable peoplecan handle some pretty rough friendship behavior that my bipolar doesn’t allow me to handle. I can lose sleep and get sick very quickly if a friendship is upsetting or confusing. I know this is not a regular reaction, ...
Bulleting Your A-Has: Be mindful of the tendency to be verbose when you feel threatened. Rather than litigating why you’re worthy of being loved, skip to the end and share your a-has or the ask you want to make of the other person. Then, let them respond and really liste...
Don't forget that your family is a person, no matter how difficult the situation becomes. It can be easy to shift to thinking more about the diagnosis of bipolar disorder or psychosis and less about the individual. When this happens, the conversation might shift to be all about diagnosis,...
It’s my experience that parents put a lot of effort into seeking the right diagnosis, looking to the diagnosis to change the behavior. I’ve had parents tell me triumphantly that their child has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder or ADHD, as if that changes anyt...
Somnambulists are individuals who ___. (a) are potential victims of sleep apnea (b) experience insomnia (c) have taken too many sleeping pills (d) walk in their sleep. How does bipolar disorder affect a person's ability to work? Does ...