It is here you can enter Google, Semantic Scholar, dblp, ORCID and OpenReview IDs. GOOGLE SCHOLAR ID Clicking the Google Scholar ID link will take you to the WIKI page - contains instructions to find one’s Google Scholar ID. ...
In today's world, keeping your personal information safe online is more important than ever. With cyber-attacks on the rise, having a strong cybersecurity strategy is essential. Whether it's protecting against viruses or securing your passwords, everyone needs to be vigilant. Understanding...
We use essential cookies to make sure the site can function. We also use optional cookies for advertising, personalisation of content, usage analysis, and social media. By accepting optional cookies, you consent to the processing of your personal data - including transfers to third parties. Some ...
You can also search by entering the email address or ORCID (if the author has synced their ORCID to their Figshare account) of the author you want to add. To add an author who doesn’t have a Figshare account, select Add author details and enter their name, email address (optional),...
Editors invite you to review as they believe that you are an expert in a certain area. They would have judged this from your previous publication record or posters and/or sessions you have contributed to at conferences. You may find that the number of invitations to review increases as you ...
health-related measures, such as white-blood-cell counts, the amount of glucose in the blood and levels of a protein that serves as a marker for inflammation2. This time, the goal was to create a clock that reflected a person’s time to death, rather than merely the number of years ...
Editors invite you to review as they believe that you are an expert in a certain area. They would have judged this from your previous publication record or posters and/or sessions you have contributed to at conferences. You may find that the number of invitations to review increases as you ...
Further, relationship between the number of partners and innovation performance is moderated by the cognitive distance between the focal firm and the respective partner: positively for radical innovation and negatively for incremental innovation performance.
Make it even easier for people to see your publishing history by adding a link to each of these profiles on your institutional profile and adding them to your email signature. Find out more about them here: ORCID Google Scholar Scopus Author ID Step 3: Make your work accessible Get into th...
investment allocation decisions; if anything, I find some evidence consistent with overreaction to performance measures disseminated via factsheets, while mandatory fund disclosures tend to mitigate this overreaction. Taken together, these findings contribute to a more nuanced understanding of summary disclosu...