It is here you can enter Google, Semantic Scholar, dblp, ORCID and OpenReview IDs. GOOGLE SCHOLAR ID Clicking the Google Scholar ID link will take you to the WIKI page - contains instructions to find one’s Google Scholar ID. ...
A.Offering their ORCIDs.B.Recommending qualified reviewers.C.Focusing on access conditions.D.Measuring article length correctly.【2】Which can we find in the articles submitted to the journalsA.Writer names.B.The review reports.C.Judges’ emails.D.Judge names.【3】Whom is the text probably ...
The submitting author will be required to provide an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) via the online submission system. The benefits of registering an ORCID are outlined here. Provision of ORCIDs by co-authors is strongly encouraged, but not a must. ...
根据题干的信息woman锁定文章第四自然段“You are permitted to suggest suitably regular reviewers ( 审稿人 ) , especially if you are from underrepresented groups , such as women , scientists with disabilities,early life researchers. ”根据“You are permitted to suggest suitably regular reviewers你被...
is recognized by other scientists. (See the supplemental material about the Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service to learn more about getting credit for the reviews you do. Also see the supplemental material about ORCiD iDs to learn how to connect your reviews to your unique ORCiD iD.) ...
Similarly, when you first start the Chrome browser, it may ask you to re-enter your password so the browser can authenticate you to your Google account. Rely On Cryptography, Not Passwords If a human can select and remember a password, an automated process can find it. ...
is recognized by other scientists. (See the supplemental material about the Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service to learn more about getting credit for the reviews you do. Also see the supplemental material about ORCiD iDs to learn how to connect your reviews to your unique ORCiD iD.) ...
The title, Orcid iD, and author names can be added here. The rest is the manuscript itself—all of the sections necessary—are already featured in the template. As such, you can write up your manuscript directly into the template, or copy and paste the sections i...
investment allocation decisions; if anything, I find some evidence consistent with overreaction to performance measures disseminated via factsheets, while mandatory fund disclosures tend to mitigate this overreaction. Taken together, these findings contribute to a more nuanced understanding of summary disclosu...
refers to a database of research and educational organizations, whileORCID(Open Researcher and Contributor ID)is a registry of research organizations maintained by a non-profit project. The integer fieldFIPS_CODErefers to a common code that US Government agencies use to identify United States countie...