It is here you can enter Google, Semantic Scholar, dblp, ORCID and OpenReview IDs. GOOGLE SCHOLAR ID Clicking the Google Scholar ID link will take you to the WIKI page - contains instructions to find one’s Google Scholar ID. ...
Editors invite you to review as they believe that you are an expert in a certain area. They would have judged this from your previous publication record or posters and/or sessions you have contributed to at conferences. You may find that the number of invitations to review increases as you ...
Editors invite you to review as they believe that you are an expert in a certain area. They would have judged this from your previous publication record or posters and/or sessions you have contributed to at conferences. You may find that the number of invitations to review increases as you ...
In additional analysis, I augment the model by interactingReturn VolatilitywithVolatility Disseminatedto examine if the visibility of a risk measure induces a negative correlation between retail flows andReturn Volatility. I do not find a significant interaction effect (Column 1 of Online AppendixB), ...
Make it even easier for people to see your publishing history by adding a link to each of these profiles on your institutional profile and adding them to your email signature. Find out more about them here: ORCID Google Scholar Scopus Author ID Step 3: Make your work accessible Get into th...
Numbers don’t lie, but people do. And worst of all, people lie to themselves about what numbers mean. The Big Lie in media metrics for years was the Biggest Number. Media publishers got away with touting their total monthly page views or unique visitors as their “audience”. This was...
It is time to start preparing for next year and find a way to minimize all the damage done to the training of residents who attended 2020 and 2021 programs. Who should lead this debate? Undoubtedly, the National Medical Residency Commission, as the controller and responsible for the ...
Speaking of units of measurement, an abbreviation may be used when placed next to a number in your APA format science paper. When it’s alone, it must be spelled out. Abbreviations should be used judiciously to guarantee that every bit is understood clearly. ...
is now for medical education to conduct meta-research on our field to critically examine our own research and research practices. Thus, the Journal is launching a special meta-research issue and releasing this call for manuscripts. We recognize that meta-research is a broad domain. Thus, Tab....