Exhale. Draw your foot toward your butt for an intense quad stretch. You can do this with your left arm straight or on the floor. As you work on this variation, try using a strap to help you grab your foot to achieve the pose. For more advanced yoga practice, you can also try th...
Standing Hand to Big Toe Pose is an intermediate yoga posture that stretches the backs of your legs while challenging your balance. It is a great preparatory pose for deeper hamstring stretches, such as Standing Split (Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana) and Monkey Pose (Hanumanasana). What You ...
Think of this cleaning as a way to purify your environment and make way for the fresh, positive energy of Diwali and the new year. 2 Draw footprints to scatter through your home on the first day. The first day of Diwali, Dhanteras, is a day to celebrate Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth...
Just make sure to sketch lightly so you can easily erase any lines if needed. 4 Draw your design outline in chalk on the floor. If you are not making your Rangoli on black paper, you will need to draw a basic outline on the floor, or wherever you are creating your Rangoli. Draw ...
Then, position the idol or frame of Lord Ganesha to the southwest of the kalash. Place a small plate of rice in front of Goddess Lakshmi and draw a lotus flower with turmeric on the rice. Set a few coins before the goddess.[10] As you place the Lord Ganesha idol, offer a small ...