Continue turning around at the baseline and sprinting to the next marker and back without stopping until you reach all the markers in succession. Begin the ladder sprints in reverse order, ending with the 10-yard marker. Do not stop between sprints. Vary the ladder sprints according to your...
6.Step ups: Step ups are an effective butt tightening and toning exercise. All you have to do is put one foot on a raised platform or bench and push through the heel onto the platform or bench. As you do this you can hold dumbbells in your hands or put a barbell across your shoulde...
Sprint as fast as you can for 30 seconds. Jog to recover for one minute. Perform this exercise eight times. Do this workout three times a week. To increase your leg strength, lift weights three times a week. A strong lower body increases your speed. Perform squats, the leg press and ...
Your speed exercises will have the most impact when you work out 5-6 days a week, giving yourself breaks every three days or so. Enhance your sprinting drills by using the speed chute. This is literally a “parachute” that attaches to your lower body and opens as you run, giving you ...
2. HOW TO RUN FASTER: TEMPO RUNS, CRESCENDO RUNS A midway point between the more casual fartlek runs and explosive sprinting, tempo running is simply maintaining a slower and more consistent pace over longer distances. This is harder than it sounds—and in fact, it is traditionally recommended...
There are limits to sprinting. You should not sprint more than three or four times per week, to allow for recovery from the muscular stress. Take off one full day from exercise but do low- or moderate-intensity cardio on nonsprint days. Sprinting is not for everyone. Consult your physician...
HIIT is when you do short bursts of vigorous activity followed by periods of rest. Think 30 seconds of sprinting followed by 30 seconds of walking or bootcamp-style classes with intervals. Researchshows that this style of exercise is great for reducing body weight, body fat, and waist circumfe...
Learn all about anaerobic exercise, including how it betters performance and differs from aerobic physical activity.
Julia Zuniga is an REI Outdoor School Instructor in San Diego, Calif. She holds a Master’s Degree in Exercise Science and her expertise is in fitness and trail running. REI employee Matt Jewett is a former intercollegiate cross-country and track athlete and semi-elite sponsored runner. He ...
Here are some ideas on how to tailor your movements to emotions: For Anger or Frustration: high-intensity workouts like boxing, sprinting, or weightlifting could release pent-up energy and help you regain inner strength and centeredness. For Sadness or Fatigue: gentle practices like yoga or tai...