Instead, once your cuttings have been growing for a few weeks, carefully pot them up into containers of general purpose potting soil and grow them on so they are ready to go into the garden next spring. The best potting soil to use is a general purpose one that's been formulated for cu...
The heat builds up inside the buckets or bags just enough to kill bugs and pathogens. You also can sterilize old potting soilin your oven. Place it in an oven-safe pan, cover with foil, and bake it at 180 to 200 degrees F for 30 minutes. (I tried this once, but didn't like the...
Planning ahead can be an excellent preventative with regard to damping off, as any tools or pots that have been exposed can potentially spread the fungus to new crops, so it’s important to disinfect implements or containers that have been exposed before reusing them. Rubbing alcohol or bleach ...
Disinfect garden toolsused to maintain your plants Monitor soil fertilityand, when the plant is not suffering from mildew, fertilize it properly OurReferences or Citations include additional advice from expert sources on mildew prevention on crops, flowers, shrubs, such as the USDA How to Prevent ...
succulent seeds can cause fungal diseases, so ensure you water appropriately. When watering, do not water the seedlings directly. Instead, water the soil from the bottom to dry the topsoil. Instead of overwatering or under-watering, you want to water just enough to make the potting mix damp...
Your Garden's Best Kept Secret! Boost your garden soil's health and fertility with my Cover Crop Guide! It's included as a part of my FREE digital homestead library. Enter your best email for instant access! >> I Want It!You may also like these posts... Lemongrass – How to Grow...
Sweets like moist but not wet soil; the medium must be well-draining and rich; sweets are also heavy feeders. Provide potting mix amended with compost, sand, bonemeal (for potassium), and wood ash (for potash). Minimize nitrogen or risk producing heavily leafy tops and spindly roots. If ...
YourBegonia maculata,and the rest of your houseplants, will thrive with a soil mix ratio of2:1:1– two parts potting soil, one part perlite, and one part peat moss or coconut coir. You can easily add more or less of each material in your mix, depending on your plant’s needs. ...
Even a potting tray similar to this one could work with its wide, low side. Making Your Own DIY Cat Litter Box I often suggest people make their own litter box, especially if they have large cats. The nice thing about making your own box is that you can tweak it to fit your cat’...
Disinfect the feeders by scrubbing them with weak bleach. Mix 1/4 cup of bleach with 2 gallons of warm water. Use it to rinse the feeders then dry them thoroughly before refilling. If you have a birdbath, scrub it with the bleach solution and rinse it thoroughly before refilling. Don’...