The heat builds up inside the buckets or bags just enough to kill bugs and pathogens. You also can sterilize old potting soilin your oven. Place it in an oven-safe pan, cover with foil, and bake it at 180 to 200 degrees F for 30 minutes. (I tried this once, but didn't like the...
To ensure it’s happy in its new home, repot your plant with soil similar to its current texture. Succulentsneed a particular soil mixto prevent waterlogging and improve drainage. Regular potting soil is unsuitable for these plants, especially if you plan to keep them indoors. Garden soil is...
After dipping the cut areas in copper fungicide, bury the backbulb in the same kind of soil or potting medium that you use to grow the plant, or in sphagnum moss. A four-inch pot is a good size if you’re growing in a container. Bury the backbulb by two-thirds so just a third ...
succulent seeds can cause fungal diseases, so ensure you water appropriately. When watering, do not water the seedlings directly. Instead, water the soil from the bottom to dry the topsoil. Instead of overwatering or under-watering, you want to water just enough to make the potting mix damp...
To prevent powdery mildew, make sure you sanitize your gardening tools before using them to plant melons. Also, make sure to allow for air circulation if you’re growing them in a partially enclosed space, like under floating row covers. ...
Plant them in individual pots filled with moist potting mix. Add a bit of potting mix to your glass container daily until it is completely filled with soil after a week. After filling the jar with soil, remove the plants and repot. ...
Foliar nematodes spread primarily via water, but can also be transferred between plants by unsterilized garden tools. To prevent their spread, avoid overhead watering and sanitize your tools. Infected plants should be destroyed; do not compost. ...
For potting soil, in the past, I have always used the Organic Miracle Grow Moisture Control Potting Soil which I bought at Costco. Having moisture control in the potting mix, helps to prevent the pots from drying out too quickly, so look for that in the potting soil you choose. ...
Grow potted gardenias in potting soil formulated for roses. Caring for Gardenias Watering: Provide 1 inch of water each week during the growing and blooming season. Water whenever the soil feels dry. Too much and too little water can cause gardenias to drop their blossoms and buds, so...
Soak your cutting tool in undiluted, full-strength household disinfectant forfive minutesto sanitize it, then rinse it in hot water and let it air dry completely before use. Potting and Rooting Cuttings Chinese fringe flower cuttings require little attention or care during the rooting process, but...