Once you’ve cleaning your pots, it’s time to disinfect. This is the step that ensures no soil microbes are clinging to your pots, just waiting to re-animate when fresh seed mix and moisture calls them forth. Disinfecting is pretty hard core. It’s a step past sanitizing, but not qui...
Plant slips outdoors,3 to 4 weeks after yourlast spring frostor once the soil has warmed to at least 65°F (18°C). Nighttime temperatures should be at least 55°F (13°C). The trick is to plant them early enough to have time to mature fully but not so early that they get killed...
Another common plant cuttings mistake is selecting the wrong part of the plant to use as a cutting. For the best results you can’t simply cut the plant wherever you fancy. You need to remove the length of plant material from just below a leaf node, because this is where the hormones a...
lol. Now I know how to disinfect my seed trays! So thank you! reply to comment addy says January 7, 2019 at 1:05 am I couldn’t agree more! No gardener feels happy to see newly germinating seedlings suddenly drying up. I think most people under-estimate the importance of ...
"Post play wipes are great intermediate cleaning if you don’t have a cleaner or running water on hand," said Fretz, "but you’ll want to fully disinfect it with an anti-bacterial cleaner or soap and water as soon as you can." How often should I clean my sex toys? After every use...
Planning ahead can be an excellent preventative with regard to damping off, as any tools or pots that have been exposed can potentially spread the fungus to new crops, so it’s important to disinfect implements or containers that have been exposed before reusing them. ...
When you water, irrigate deeply. Avoid getting the leaves wet, as that may encourage leaf diseases that can ruin the plant. If possible, water your cucumbers with a soaker hose or drip irrigation to keep the foliage dry. Mulch around plants to retain soil moisture and reduce weeding; however...
See more inHow to Disinfect Your Seed Starting Supplies and Plant Pots For potting soil, in the past, I have always used the Organic Miracle Grow Moisture Control Potting Soil which I bought at Costco. Having moisture control in the potting mix, helps to prevent the pots from drying out to...
Once infected, there’s very little you can do to save the plant. Pots can be reused, but take the proper steps to disinfect them before reuse. Pin What Causes A Dieffenbachia To Have Brown Spots On Leaves? Dieffenbachia does like humidity and does not like cool temperatures. When plants ...
If you didn’t clean them after your last use, clean them now with soap and water or disinfect them with a 5% bleach solution.Disinfecting your toolshelps deter the spread of harmful pathogens or bacteria. The next thing toprepare is your soil propagating mix. As these plants are succulents...