Sweet potatoes are not yams, which are related to grasses and lilies. They’re also not related to regular white potatoes, which belong to the nightshade family, versus the morning glory family. As mentioned above, potatoes’ edible portion is a true tuber, while sweet potatoes produce tuberou...
Use a sharpening stone, like thisdouble sided sharpener on Amazon, to keep blades finely honed. I also disinfect my tools afterwards by wiping the blades down with a general household disinfectant. Dirty pruners with dull blades will damage your cuttings and may kill them before they root (Ima...
Disinfect the feeders by scrubbing them with weak bleach. Mix 1/4 cup of bleach with 2 gallons of warm water. Use it to rinse the feeders then dry them thoroughly before refilling. If you have a birdbath, scrub it with the bleach solution and rinse it thoroughly before refilling. Don’t...
The buds (i.e., the “artichokes” that we harvest and eat), if allowed to flower, are thistle-like and violet. These large plants can be grown in rows in the garden, as informal hedges, or planted as a wide border. Artichokes can reach heights of 3 to 5 feet. Artichokes prefer c...
areas, their sought-after flowers were used to ease burns, while Begonia sap helped soothe toothache. The sap was also allegedly used to cure kidney ailments. In China, Begonias becomekey ingredients in medicinesused to help swelling, reduce cold symptoms, ease upset stomachs and disinfect ...
Disinfect tool blades with rubbing alcohol to prevent the spread of disease. Remove weigela's oldest branches, as well as those that cross or crowd each other and those that are sickly. Can you cut weigela to the ground? You may need to takedrastic measuresto bring the plant back. In thi...
Once infected, there’s very little you can do to save the plant. Pots can be reused, but take the proper steps to disinfect them before reuse. Pin What Causes A Dieffenbachia To Have Brown Spots On Leaves? Dieffenbachia does like humidity and does not like cool temperatures. When plants ...
New containers can be used immediately, but if you're reusing old containers disinfect them before planting pansies. Soak used pots in a solution of 1 part bleach to 9 parts water for 10 minutes. Use warm water and dish-washing detergent to scrub soil and mineral deposits off the pots, th...
Use sharp scissors or pruners to take the cuttings. Disinfect cutting tools by soaking them in a solution of 1 part bleach to 3 parts water for 5 minutes. Rinse them in clean water, and let them air-dry before use. Plant Cuttings ...
How to Propagate Philodendron Kaffir Lime Tree Propagation by Cuttings Things Needed Sharp pruners Rubbing alcohol Rag Rooting hormone Saucer Peat Perlite Flower pot Pencil Knife Plastic jug with lid Paper towel Step 1 Disinfect the pruners by dipping them in rubbing alcohol. Dry them with a clean...