Prove that y = In(d(x-vt)) is a solution of the standard wave equation, where d is a constant. Explain Einstein's equation E = mc2 in simple terms. Find the dimensional formula of e 0. Prove that function psi = Ae^{alpha x} + B e^{-alpha x} satisfies the equat...
The Second Postulate of RelativityThis postulate is very odd if you think about it for a moment. Here is one fact you can derive from the postulate: Regardless of whether you are flying in an airplane or sitting on the couch, the speed of light would measure the same to you in both ...
I like Serena, you have used E=mc2 multiple times in this thread. A much better version of this equation is [tex]E^2 = (m_0c)^2 + (pc)^2[/tex] where m0 is the rest mass and p is momentum. For photons, which have a rest mass of zero, this reduces to E=pc. No mention...