从E=1/2mv^2到E=mc^2是某个物理进程的必然结果吗?这能量的倍数关系哪来的?有推导算式吗? 枍倾尘 学生 以乎为鉴 From WikipediaAlbert Einstein's mass-energy equation where the velocit… 既然E=mc^2那么我烧了氢气和氧气我就得到了水,里面的原子都没变啊,那么损失的那么一点点质量去哪了?
是否就是狭意义相对论" src=""> 更新1: 谢过两位,我知道一二,但可否用些简单例子说明一下?E=能量 m=质量 c=光速 爱因斯坦既相对论提过..当物体高速运动达到光速以上便会发生神奇的事。 亦即是人们所称的穿越时空..不过只是理论..目前还未有人证实过。 不过外国已经有国家进行紧「粒子碰撞...
可以利用这个网站对相对论理解深刻些 E = mc² | Equation, Explanation, & Proof | Britannicaw...
E = mc2 E = mc2, equation in German-born physicist Albert Einstein’s theory of special relativity that expresses the fact that mass and energy are the same physical entity and can be changed into each other. In the equation, the increased relativistic mass (m) of a body times the ...
Why is E = mc^2 true? Why is E = mc^2 important? Additional resources Bibliography The famous equation E = mc^2, derived by Einstein, means that energy is equal to mass times the speed of light squared. Equivalently, it also means that any amount of mass is equal to energy ...
What does the equation e=mc2 mean? Albert Einstein: Albert Einstein lived from 1879 to 1955 and is one of the most famous and important physicists in history. He is especially remembered for his development of the theory of relativity. Answer and Explanation: The equation E=mc2 conveys the...
E=mc²。式中E为能量,m为质量,c为光速。E=mc的平方,即质能等价理论,是爱因斯坦狭义相对论的最重要的推论,即著名的方程式E=mc²,式中E为能量,m为质量,c为光速;也就是说,一切物质都潜藏着质量乘于光速平方的能量。 由此可以解释为什么物体的运动速度不可能超过光速。
求助,E=MC^2?..E=mc²叫做“质能方程”(mass-energy equation),表述的是质量和能量的关系。理解成质量转化成能量是有问题的。定义这个式子为“运动质量”,则运动质量守恒。其中为“固有
今天的老师一讲到物理公式E=mC^2就用“the most beautiful equation ”和“amazing ”来形容,同学说他肯定是学物理的,我一查,真的是…北大物理系的……跪了 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......
Like momentum P=mv, E=mc^2 applies to both classical physics and special relativity, if relativistic mass is used in the equation. The derivation by Einstein in 1905 is logically flawed as a relativistic proof and the truly relativistic formula should be E=(E0)/(1-v^2/c^2)^(1/2) ...