aConsidering the model of geogrid, which uses the values of geometrical measurements and the parameters declared by the manufacturer (gathered in Table 1) a secant modulus was calculated by Equation 就geogrid而论模型,在表1使用制造者宣称的几何测量和参量的 (价值被会集) 一个正割模数由Equation计算[...
Let us consider a one-pixel wide circular contour, i.e.,I(l,m) = 1 ifMathMLandI(l,m) = 0 otherwise. Referring to Equation2, we getz(i) = exp(-jμr0)∀i. Asμhas a fixed constant value, this "constant speed" generation scheme yields signal components of same values. To expr...
aEinstein was purely and exclusively a theorist. He didn’t have the slightest interest in the practical application of his ideas and theories. His E=mc2 is probably the most famous equation in history. He won the Nobel Prize for his Photoelectric Theory, s series of equations that he consid...
Moreover, the x-ray structure of the enzyme in E. coli reveals some similarities with the catalytic domain of chicken sulfite oxidase; the residues present in the substrate binding pocket are however more in agreement with a reductase, as confirmed by reductase activity measurements using DMSO or...
Other fluorescence methods are not unique to each water source as only the intensities, location of excitation-emission wavelength maxima or regional volumes vary [22]. The PARAFAC model decomposes an EEM into a set of trilinear terms and a residual array [10] as shown in Equation (1): F ...