A borderline may have recurring suicide attempts as well as self-harm (also pertained to as self-mutilation). Less than 10% of people who suffer from borderline actually commit suicide. Some people with BPD harm themselves without the desire to die. They self-harm by cutting, hitting, burnin...
If your parent isn’t getting professional Borderline Personality Disorder treatment in order to deal with the symptoms of BPD, try to encourage them to get BPD treatment immediately. Enlist aid from teachers, spouses, counselors, and friends if you have to. With the right kind of BPD treatment...
The relationship is hard enough with the additional stress of the mental disease. Especially if you are married to someone with borderline personality disorder. Though contradictory to popular belief, couples where one suffers from a borderline personality disorder are not doomed. According to statics...
What do you say to someone who feels humiliated? So don't hang around trying to make things better. Get some distance, and then, if you're so inclined, revisit it with the other person. You can say something like, "I'm really not ready to discuss this with you right now," or "I...
How to deal with separation anxiety in children In most of the cases, this feeling usually goes away after a time, and the children typically grow out of those worries. Reassuring children and showing them you will return usually helps. ...
“I can’t take thenegativityanymore. Being with you is like being a teenager all over again with someone telling me what to do.” “When we get off the phone, I feel worn out and unhappy. I can’t listen to your long list of life problems anymore. I know we have known each othe...
“Someone who came from an absent or neglectful family may end up seeking acceptance and belonging with others in a way that can be harmful to them. It’s not uncommon for individuals with childhood trauma to struggle with some level of mental health instability. It’s important to work thro...
In our interpersonal relationships with friends, partners, family and colleagues, it can be terribly seductive to apply a label like 'narcissist' when we have been emotionally damaged by someone’s behaviour. There is comfort in writing people off as simply 'bad' and living in the passive state...
Whether you are dealing with an angry, hostile elder or seeking answers on how to deal with irrational aging parents, we’ve compiled 10 difficult behaviors that elders exhibit and tips for coping with each of them.
The term "borderline narcissist" is sometimes used to refer to people with both conditions, but it is important to note that it is not a diagnosis. It may be used informally to refer to someone with borderline personality disorder (BPD) who also has narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). ...