followed by several other medical problems, all because they can’t seem to fall or stay asleep. This phenomenon is also known as sleep anxiety, and in the recent decade, it has become one of the most common sleeping conditions. Usually ...
Insomnia often goes hand-in-handwith depression and anxiety. Sleep that’s deterred by anxiousness can often worsen because the inability to sleep itself becomes a point of anxiety. If you’re having trouble getting to sleep, sleep too much, or wake up feeling anxious, see what reso...
If you want to look for the ways on how to treat sleep apnea naturally, you should avoid sleeping on your back. The reason may be that this sleep position can make your soft palate and your tongue rest against your back. As a result, the airway is blocked and you find it difficult t...
in a previousinterview with Sleep Cycle userswhere one of the partner’s had severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and had to sleep with a CPAP machine, they adjusted their sleep schedule to let their partner fall asleep first, so they wouldn’t be disturbed by...
What can you do to deal with sleep apnea? Now that we know a bit more about the nuts and bolts of sleep apnea, as well as its prevalence, I want to detail some of the steps that you can take to help treat it. The first, and potentially most important, thing you can do is avoid...
I may have to look for a really good deal on a S10.Is the lack of O2 sensing in current watches a function of software? Could an update restore that functionality at some point in the future? Not that it will happen, but it could happen. S9 also does sleep apnea and yes O2 ...
If you have to face up with stress, remember to take deep breaths that can help you calm down for some minutes. You will have enough time to analyze the situation, push the irritation aside and find the best way to deal with it. 17. Try Meditation Next to ways on how to be more ...
If you find yourself having difficulty going to the toilet, there a number of non-medical methods to encourage a dormant gut to relieve you of constipation.
Quit Smoking: People who use nicotine tend to have lower quality sleep and wake up more often in the night than those who do not. Manage Stress: Seek out healthy ways to deal with stress during the day. Talk to a health care professional if you feel overwhelmed or if you think stress ...
Lack of sleep can affect your work performance, as well. You might suddenly find your inbox too overwhelming to deal with so you ignore it, or that important client meeting completely slipped your mind. Or, you zone out during the staff meeting and start daydreaming rather than focusing on ...