st: Re: how to create "R2" as a variable From: Prev by Date: st: , beta in ivreg? Next by Date: Re: st: ivreg2 Previous by thread: st: Re: how to create "R2" as a variable Next by thread: st: fhow to use Stata to do panel VAR Index(es...
Dear Anna, if you sort on some variable other than personid, orperform a random sort, you could then: gen new_personid = _n This creates a variable which has a value equal to the sequence # ofthat record, which is why you have to create some sort order otherthan personid. Michael ...
Learn about factor analysis - a simple way to condense the data in many variables into a just a few variables.
stata no panel variable set,use tssethow to deal with it this is the help from stata.[P] error ...Return code 198invalid syntax;___ invalid;range invalid;___ invalid obs no;invalid filename;___ invalid varnam
In the example below, we useruniform()to createa simulated dataset with 10,000 observations on a (0,1)-uniform variable. Prior to usingruniform(), we set the seed so that the results are reproducible. . set obs 10000 number of observations (_N) was 0, now 10,000 ...
Let's first create dummy variables for marit, short for marital status. Our first step is to run a basic FREQUENCIES table with frequencies marit. The table below shows the resulting table.x Video Player is loading. Now Playing x Stata Dummy Variable Share Watch on Stata Dummy Variable...
Consequently, the purpose of our study is to analyze the influence of three investor characteristics –investor reputation, prior investment ties, and geographical proximity – on the decision of whether or not to participate in a co-investment by BAs and VCs in a first funding round of a new...
In this study, we focus on three country-specific factors, namely economic development, the political system, and culture, as the moderating variable in the nexus between CSP and shareholder value. Drawing upon prior research, we adopt the natural logarithm of income-per-capita (IPC) as an ind...
>> >> My problem now is: >> >> How do I generate a dummy variable which is 1 for a given firm x and year t if there was a takeover in t-1 in the same industry (same industry code) and which is 0 otherwise ? * * For searches and help try: *
Therefore, one can conclude that the greater the proportion of working population in a household, the greater the acceptance of the economic and social objectives of CLR. 4.2. Heterogeneity Analysis Given the heterogeneity of resident status, this study further introduced the resident status variable....