Re: st: How to generate a dummy variable based on groups of variables in t-1 From: Nick Cox <> References: st: How to generate a dummy variable based on groups of variables in t-1 From: "Jean-Marie Meier" <> Prev by Date: st: Ho...
>> >> My problem now is: >> >> How do I generate a dummy variable which is 1 for a given firm x and year t if there was a takeover in t-1 in the same industry (same industry code) and which is 0 otherwise ? * * For searches and help try: *
Learn about factor analysis - a simple way to condense the data in many variables into a just a few variables.
I describe how to generate random numbers and discuss some features added in Stata 14. In particular, Stata 14 includes a new default random-number generator (RNG) called the Mersenne Twister (Matsumoto and Nishimura 1998), a new function that generates random integers, the ability to generate ...
A binomial logistic regression is used to predict a dichotomous dependent variable based on one or more continuous or nominal independent variables. It is the most common type of logistic regression and is often simply referred to as logistic regression. In Stata they refer to binary outcomes when...
Assumption #4: There needs to be a linear relationship between (a) the dependent variable and each of your independent variables, and (b) the dependent variable and the independent variables collectively. You can check for linearity in Stata using scatterplots and partial regression plots. Assumpti...
In the forward algorithm, the empty model did not contain any variables, and we tested the inclusion of each variable potentially related to the outcome using the p-value as the model fit criterion. If a variable had the lowest p-value (less than 0.05), we included it in the model, ...
Introductory Stata 2023: Graphics and Data Visualization 2 - 3 hrs 4,346 learners You Will Learn How To Describe the distribution of a continuous variable using... Analyze the frequency or percentage of a categorical var... Discuss and visualize the relationship betwee... Read More More In...
Oktober 2009 23:52 To: Subject: st: RE: How to generate this variable please? <> Try this with no warranty :-) I do have a feeling there is some command, like moving average or -rolling-, that can make this a little more elegant... ** clear* set...
variable is 1. If a firm was not taken over, than the dummy variable is obviously always 0. All firms/observations in my dataset are assigned an industry code between 1 and 48 (Fama French industry classification). My problem now is: How do I generate a dummy variable which is 1 for ...