Categorize the packages into separate archives based on the type of files used in their packages Attach the online help file for each package that people can read on their web-browser Allow the users to read the Ado source code on their web browser or download it Allow the users to download...
In order to coarsen this variable, first create a new coarsened variable using the recode command: 为了粗化这个变量,首先使用重新编码命令创建一个新的粗化变量: Here we have collapsed the opinions into the direction of opinion, also grouping “No Opinion" with ”Neutral." Once the coarsened variabl...
You can alsograph colors by variable. Table 1 Create tables of descriptive statistics more easily with the newdtablecommand! Export to Word, Excel, PDF, LaTeX, HTML, Markdown, and more. Alias variables across frames Use variables from multiple datasets as if they exist in one. ...
Performing a regression with our new variable would be a good first step. To get started, click on the Do-file Editor button to open the Do-file Editor. After the Do-file Editor opens, type the commands below into the Do-file Editor. Purposely misspell the name of the foreign variable...
Change text variable value replace newtxt = "Newer text that is really looooooong." exfile['newtxt'] = 'Newer text that is really looooooong.' Replace or change text variable based on existing variable replace newtxt = substr(newtxt, 1, 10) or gen newest = substr(newtxt, 1, 10...
Another way to think about selection is thatlassoestimatesthe variables to be selected and, as with all estimation, that is subject to error. Anyway, the inference calculations are robust to those errors. Reported will be the coefficient and its standard error forx1. I specified one variable ...
S456784 COUNTMATCH: Stata module to count matching values for one variable in another by Nicholas J. Cox S456783 ASCII: Stata module to display the ASCII character set by Adrian Mander S456782 PASCAL: Stata module to draw Pascal’s triangle ...
Not using quote marks around text string labels: If you type in a command that includes text string variable labels, and forget to include the quote mark before the label name, Stata will tell you it doesn't understand what you mean. For example, if your data set contains market income:...
partial create new variables with the partialled out values. replace replace the variable if existing. Option xb2 is equivalent to calculate the coefficients and then multiply the explanatory variables with it, while xb first partialles out the cross sectional averages and then multiplies the coeffic...
Another option would be to close the Data Editor window when you have finished entering all of the data. Then you can click on the variable name (e.g., var2) in the Variables window, which will bring up that variable's information in the Properties window. To change the name in this...