How to convert to other formats (shapefiles)SummaryThis article shows how to use the IFeatureDataConverter interface to load simple feature data into a geodatabase. The first example sets up the basic framework to convert a shapefile into a file geodatabase feature class. Converting into a ...
This article shows how to use the IFeatureDataConverter interface to load simple feature data into a geodatabase. The first example sets up the basic framework to convert a shapefile into a file geodatabase feature class. Converting into a personal geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase only re...
Double-clickFeature Class to Feature Class. In theFeature Class to Feature Classwindow, specify the SDC feature classes and output data to be converted. ClickOK. Once complete, the output geodatabase contains the newly converted feature classes. Using the Feature Class to Shapefile (multiple) too...
Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Delete a field for options to delete a field. Click the Save button on the Fields tab to save the modifications made to the table. Convert the shapefile to a geodatabase feature class Use the Feature Class to Feature Class geoprocessing tool to convert the shapefile ...
Once you have selected “Export Data…”, you will be looking at a box similar to the one shown above. In most cases, you will want to leave the preselected options as-is. The Output feature class field is where you want the shapefile to be saved once exported. ...
Hi, I want to import 3D shapefiles into my potree viewer. I tested to adapt the example but it doesn't work. My point cloud and my 3D shapefile are into the same coordinate system (cartesian): EPSG:3944 _ RGF93 / CC44. +proj=lcc +lat_1=4...
When theOutput Features or Tableparameter is set to a feature class or shapefile (rather than appending to the input), the tool creates multiple layers that are included in the output group layer: Tip: Use theCtrlandShiftshortcutsto quickly visualize or collapse layers within the group ...
Given a feature class of highways with a text field called NAME, this would take the final 3 characters (for example, the "104" from "Highway 104"), convert them to an integer, and check if the highway is a "100-series" highway. ...
Edit 1: I've tested my shapefile (uf_shp) in the simple example provided by@timelyportfolioand had good results. Have you solved this? Thanks. mateolangstonmentioned this issueJun 15, 2023 Feature Request: Function to Recolor Polygons in Shiny without Redrawing themtrafficonese/leaflet.extras2...
Deep Learning: Added example using deep neural networks The Develop Raw Camera Processing Pipeline Using Deep Learning example shows how to convert RAW camera data to an aesthetically pleasing color image using a U-Net. This example requires Deep Learning Toolbox. Big Images: Select locations of ...