It is possible to work around this by exporting the domains to a table using the Domain To Table tool, then joining the domain table back to the source feature class. Export the joined feature class and table to a shapefile. Procedure Add the feature class to be exported to a shapefile t...
Export the feature class to shapefile using the Feature Class To Shapefile tool Open the ArcGIS Pro project. On the top ribbon, click theAnalysistab, and clickTools. In theGeoprocessingpane, search for and clickFeature Class To Shapefile (Conversion Tools). ForInput Features, select the desi...
Optionally, set up the IQueryFilter to convert a subset of features using a WhereClause. The SubFields method is used to export only the desired fields. This can be particularly useful where a field type is not supported by the target. For example, if the target is a shapefile, raster co...
Optionally, set up the IQueryFilter to convert a subset of features using a WhereClause. The SubFields method is used to export only the desired fields. This can be particularly useful where a field type is not supported by the target. For example, if the target is a shapefile, raster co...
Hi, I want to import 3D shapefiles into my potree viewer. I tested to adapt the example but it doesn't work. My point cloud and my 3D shapefile are into the same coordinate system (cartesian): EPSG:3944 _ RGF93 / CC44. +proj=lcc +lat_1=4...
You have a shapefile in a geodatabase... try a featureclass in a geodatabase You have to edit the full path to the inputs... you just changed "Polygons" to polygons.shp in Xander's code on line 4, so unless you recreated his folder path structure, it won't work Reply ...
1.You will need to publish a feature layer with Point or Multipatch data. This can be done by uploading a zipped gdb or shapefile. You can also publish this layer type from ArcGIS Pro or ArcMap. 2. On the item details for the feature layer click on the publish button and click on ...
3) In ArcGIS for Desktop, create a new feature class or use one you already have, and share it to ArcGIS Online. To get your feature data into ArcGIS Online you can upload the feature class file(s), or publish it from ArcMap. You can upload a shapefile to upload one feature class,...
Once you have selected “Export Data…”, you will be looking at a box similar to the one shown above. In most cases, you will want to leave the preselected options as-is. The Output feature class field is where you want the shapefile to be saved once exported. ...
Why reprex? Getting unstuck is hard. Your first step here is usually to create a reprex, or reproducible example. The goal of a reprex is to package your code, and information about your problem so that others can run it…