Learn more about shapefile limitations The name of the output shapefile will be the name of the input feature class. For example, if the input isC:\base.gdb\rivers, the output shapefile will be named rivers.shp. To control the output shapefile name and for additional conversion options, see...
# Name: FeatureClassToShapefile_Example2.py # Description: Use FeatureClassToShapefile to copy feature classes to shapefiles # Import system modules import arcpy # Set environment settings arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/data" # Set local variables inFeatures = ["climate.shp", "majorrds.shp"] out...
When exporting a feature class that uses domains to a shapefile or coverage, ArcGIS by default exports domain codes as opposed to domain descriptions. There is no option to export domain descriptions. It is possible to work around this by exporting the domains to a table using the Domain To ...
关于ArCGIS中数据格式转换过程中出现Error001143backgroundserverthrewanexception(FeatureClasstoFeatureClass)的可能原因及解决方法 数据格式转换是ArcGIS中重要的功能之一。由于许多格式转换过程基本相似,本文旨在对MapInfo软件的Tab格式转shapefile过程中出现的问题及其解决方案进行初步分析,为初学者提供一定参考。
Zusammenfassung The Describe function returns the Feature Class, Table, and Dataset property groups for shapefiles. For a shapefile feature class, the Describe dataType property returns a value of "ShapeFile". Feedback zu diesem Thema?In diesem Thema Zusammenfassung ...
aProvides access to the properties and methods of a layer based on vector geographic data, which is typically a geodatabase, shapefile, or coverage feature class. 提供存取对于根据传染媒介地理数据的层数的物产和方法,典型地是geodatabase, shapefile或者覆盖面特点类。[translate]...
Arcpy处理修改shapefile FeatureClass 线要素坐标 需求:在开发的webgis系统中需要将道路矢量数据与谷歌地图瓦片叠加,谷歌地图瓦片在国家测绘局的要求是进行了偏移处理的,人称“火星坐标系GCJ_02”,道路数据是WGS-84坐标系下的经纬度坐标,现在知道WGS-84向GCJ_02转换的公式,需要对道路矢量数据进行坐标转换和偏移的批处理...
arovides access to the properties and methods of a layer based on vector geographic data, which is typically a geodatabase, shapefile, or coverage feature class. 对根据传染媒介地理数据的层数的物产和方法的rovides通入,典型地是geodatabase, shapefile或者覆盖面特点类。 [translate] ...
(pAnnoLayer, IFeatureLayer).FeatureClass End Function summary 创建存于 Shapefile 中的 featureclass /summary param name=sDir/param param name=sName/param param name=shapeType/param param name=hasM/param param name=hasZ/param param name=pSR/param param name=pFields/param returns/returns remarks/...
#region 遍历FeatureClass IFeatureCursor Cur = fc.Search(null, false);//null可替换为QueryFilter IFeature pFeature = Cur.NextFeature(); while (pFeature != null) { //对Feature进行操作 pFeature = Cur.NextFeature(); } 读取shapefile