If the Input Data Element value is a feature class and the Data Type value is Shapefile, the tool will return False. This tool is only available from ModelBuilder for use in models. The tool is not available from the Geoprocessing pane or from Python. The tool has two Boolean outputs, ...
Shapefile-FeatureClass-Eigenschaften Tabelleneigenschaften TableView-Eigenschaften Textdateieigenschaften TIN-Eigenschaften Werkzeugeigenschaften Toolbox-Eigenschaften Topologie-Eigenschaften Eigenschaften des Verfolgungsnetzes Eigenschaften des Versorgungsnetzes VPF-Coverage-Eigenschaften VPF-FeatureClass-Eigenschaften VPF-...
可以将Geodatabase中的Feature Class导出成Shapefile有不同的方式,右键一个Geodatabase可以将其中所有的Feature Class导出到一个文件夹中,右键一个Feature Dataset,可以将其中的所有Feature Class导出到一个文件夹中,右键一个Feature Class可以以Single或Multiple的方式导出到shapefile。 但是,如果想在导出的SHPS中保持Geod...
The steps below give instructions for formatting XY coordinates, using Microsoft Excel, and converting these data to a shapefile or geodatabase feature class in ArcMap. ArcMap can read several table formats, including dBase III; dBase IV; .prn, .txt, .csv, .xls, and xlsx. Note:Post-2003...
MessageBox.Show("导入空间要素失败,"+ e1.Message,"导入ShapeFile");returnfalse; }for(inti =0; i < targetFeatureClassfields.FieldCount; ++i) { IField field=targetFeatureClassfields.Field[i];if((field.Type ==esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeOID)|| (field.Type ==esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGeometry)...
BimFileWorkspaceFactoryClass BimModelObjectClass CadDrawingNameClass CadWorkspaceFactoryClass LicensedDataExtensionClass ParquetFileWorkspaceClass PCCoverageWorkspaceFactoryClass SdcExporterClass ShapefileWorkspaceFactoryClass TinWorkspaceFactoryClass VpfWorkspaceFactoryClass Constants esriCadTransform esriDataLicenseType ...
6、2、 WorkSpaceFactory,2.3 打开数据库(8种类型格式的数据库) (1) Shapefile:对于Shapefile来说工作空间就是它所在的文件夹 IWorkspaceFactory ipWorkspaceFactory; IWorkspace ipWorkspace; IFeatureWorkspace ipFeatureWorkspace ; ipWorkspaceFactory = new ShapefileWorkspaceFactoryClass(); ipWorkspace = ipWorkspaceFa...
This does not apply to shapefile data. If the Preserve attributes option on the dialog box is checked (the attributes parameter is set to ATTRIBUTES in scripting), the attributes from all input entries will be maintained in the output in the order they appear in the input list. A new ...
Polygon features can be sorted by their area using theShape_Areafield of a geodatabase feature class. Similarly, polyline features can be sorted by their length using theShape_Lengthfield. To sort polygon features in a shapefile, add a new field, calculate the area into the new field using...
通常情况下,一个数据 由几个文件组成,如以Shapefile形式保存的地图数据包含了 shp、shx和dbf等文件,其中shp文件保存 空间图形数据,dbf文件是保存属性数据,shx文件是连接 图形和属性的索引 3、文件。优点-简单易操作;-软件投资较小。缺点-不能定义数据规则;-不支持版本管理;-不支持多用户的并发访问;-安全性较差。