Even worse, if you crush the little intruders they can emit a yucky odor and even stain surfaces with a yellow fluid that acts as a defense mechanism. While they're commonly called ladybugs, Harmonia axyridis is actually a specific species within the lady beetle family native to Asia. The ...
*NOTE the use of Traps indoors for Multi-colored Asian Lady Beetle Control is limited.* Insect traps and glue boards can also be used to trap Asian lady beetles. Don't depend on them for complete control. Like all traps, they are not designed to rid the structure of pests, but only ...
The first spray needed isFS-MP AEROSOL. It comes with a crack and crevice straw which allows you to apply it deep into window frames, door frames, base moldings, around light fixtures and any other route of entry to living spaces. Be sure to “open” any window where they’re seen so...
Aphids are especially attracted to mustard andnasturtium. Plant these near more valuable plants as traps for the aphids. The aphids will likely go for these plants before your prized tomatoes. (Check your trap plants regularly to keep aphid populations from jumping to your valued plants.) Nasturti...
There are various solutions and traps that you can use to control whiteflies. The biggest tip is to start early! In the mornings and evenings, as you wander the garden or tend to your houseplants, check the back of the leaves for eggs or notice when little bugs “fly away” as you app...
Aphids damage plants at all life stages. They can leave plants susceptible to powdery mildew and other fungal diseases. Learn how to treat and control aphids in the garden with beneficial insects, biocontrols and insecticide sprays.
How to identify bugs in your home Our detailed guide will help you identify common bugs that can set up camp in your home, so you can get onto tackling them with the right arsenal ofpest controlitems and thebest cleaning products.
Remember that potato bug larvae are seen on the undersides of the foliage, so don’t forget to spray those areas. 4. Use Sticky Traps Make a trap by applyingpetroleum jellyon a small board and place it where you suspect the bugs; they will stick to the trap when walking on them. ...
They also spread viruses and toxins as well as emit honeydew which can lead to sooty mold blocking photosynthesis. Integrated pest management methods, such as using sticky traps and natural predators, can be used to keep planthopper populations in control. ...
How to get rid of moles using mole traps If repellents prove too problematic, expensive, or ineffective, mole traps are also an option when considering how to get rid of moles. Unlike voles which can be trapped in a mousetrap baited with peanut butter, if you’re going to trap moles, ...