A ladybug infestation in the home can be treated using home remedies rather than commercial insecticides that contain toxic chemicals that are harmful to people and the environment. It's always better to opt for a natural approach to removing ladybugs from the home. 1. Removing Large Numbers of...
Stink bugs have never been considered to be a destructive pest. However, if left unchecked, stinkbugs can cause significant damage to any garden. Most damage occurs to juicy vegetables and fruit once the protective skin is broken. Since young take about three months to mature, they’re genera...
One of the most effective (and beautiful) predators of the aphid is the ladybug. You can buy ladybugs in bags by the hundreds in your local gardening shop. You’ll need many of them, because this method requires a lot – and we do mean a lot – of ladybugs to truly affect the aphi...
but be sure it doesn’t have additives. Ethanol (grain alcohol) seems to work best. Alcohol usually comes in 70 percent strength in stores (or 95 percent strength purchased commercially). To make an insecticidal alcohol solution, mix equal parts 70 percent alcohol and water (or, if...
Try to attract as many ladybugs as possible to your garden. They can work wonders at keeping the ladybug population down, which will only make your garden healthier in the long run. 8. Plants Cut Down at the Base These are actually caterpillars, as they’re the larvae of various night ...
Bed bugs are unwanted, sneaky household pests. They enter your house undetected, then spread and make themselves at home. They can also potentially pose health risks for you and your family. Wondering how to rid your home of these pesky trespassers? We’ve put together a complete guide on ...
How to Make a Cricket Trap Fill a large jar 3/4 of the way full with equal parts white sugar and plain breadcrumbs. Put a small covering over the top, and make a hole so the crickets can get in. Alternatively, cut the top off of a 2 liter soda bottle, fill the bottom with sug...
Return to Full Article Question How do I tell if a praying mantis is dead or just molting? Community Answer When it is molting, it will be hanging upside down, and you'll be able to see a thin layer of clear-ish "skin" coming off it. ...
When crickets are trying to attract a mate, they rub their wings together to make a loud chirping sound. If you hear a high-pitched chirping noise inside or outside that goes away as you get closer, then you may be dealing with crickets.[25] 3 Check for damage on clothes, upholstery...
Trap Cockroaches The Best Ways to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Your Home How to Kill Cockroaches or Ants Naturally How to Feed and Care for a Ladybug How toRaise Your Own Crickets How toBuild an Ant Farm The Best Ways to Get Rid of Crickets Inside and Outside Your Home Why You ...