While they're commonly called ladybugs, Harmonia axyridis is actually a specific species within the lady beetle family native to Asia. The U.S. Department of Agriculture attempted to establish the aphid-eaters here from the '60s to '90s to protect crops, and they're pretty helpful in that ...
insecticides are typically safe to use in your home once they dry, and diatomaceous earth is also safe to use because it is an all-natural powder made from fossilized algae. In addition to these methods, you could also use your vacuum cleaner to get rid of ladybugs. Sucking ladybugs up ...
Take immediate action:If you begin to see a few inside your home, more are likely to follow. Ladybugs give off a scent that attracts others to the area. Remove the scent:Trying to remove their odor can be nearly impossible since they may hide inside the walls of your home. Certain natur...
According to MSU, adults can live for up to three years. Why are ladybugs in Michigan? The multicolored Asian lady beetle is native to Asia but was introduced to the southeastern and southwestern areas of the United States in the 70s to control aphids. They are located in Michigan because...
This protective adaption makes all scale bugs resistant to some pest control methods. Identifying and learning to combat scale bugs can be tricky, particularly when these small pests can often be no bigger than 1 to 5mm in size. Helpfully, however, infestations will often appear as clusters on...
dish detergent. Once stink bugs enter and land in the water, they can’t escape. Stinkbugs, like Asian Ladybugs, are highly attracted to the UV light bulb in this trap and will fly around the top where the light emits. We also include a stinkbug pheromone lure to get them to enter....
Encourage ladybugs into your garden as a method of control. Lacewings also devour soft-bodied insects like aphids and mealybugs much faster than ladybugs. This obviously isn’t a viable solution for your houseplants. I worked at a nursery in Berkeley that used to sell ladybugs but stopped. Ha...
The multicoloredAsian lady beetlewas imported into the US and other countries to control crop-destroying pests; however, it has since become a nuisance. Asian lady beetles look very similar to native ladybugs but differ in that they have bites that can cause allergic skin reactions. Also, when...
*NOTE the use of Traps indoors for Multi-colored Asian Lady Beetle Control is limited.* Insect traps and glue boards can also be used to trap Asian lady beetles. Don't depend on them for complete control. Like all traps, they are not designed to rid the structure of pests, but only ...
Remember, all of these door sealing techniques won't help if the door is left open. If you have forgetful kids, consider installing a door closer. This hydraulic device will automatically close and latch your door after it's been opened and can be adjusted to control closing speed and power...