Sometimes when we identify our anxiety, we judge ourselves as wrong or bad and we do everything we can to make it go away. The effort that it takes to push, coerce, challenge, or force anxiety to decrease will cause it to increase even more. The trick is to allow it to be there w...
Other ways to combat anxiety caused by an affair areto take up a new hobby, exercise, surround yourself with positive people, and continue looking forward and making new plans for your future as one of the steps in overcoming infidelity by a partner. This will help you to look forward with...
In more extreme cases, however, anxiety can become a recognized disorder. It's important to understand what these are, so that you can seek the right advice and support. Warning: Anxiety disorders can cause severe health problems and, in extreme cases, death. If anxiety impacts any aspect of...
You need to breathe and reboot. Help combat emotional anxiety by focusing on the good things in your life. Your health, the friends and family wholoveyou, the God you believe in, and the little things in life that make you happy. Allow yourself the chance to dream about your future agai...
Social Anxiety An upcoming presentation or family gathering could trigger sweat and the embarrassment that follows. You might be tempted to avoid stressful social situations like these altogether, but this isn’t an effective long-term solution. ...
Another way to combat the negative emotions that can make the stress response worse is to use the ABC technique of rational beliefs, or more simply, the ABC (Adversity, Beliefs, Consequences) model. This exercise was developed by psychologist Albert Ellis, PhD, back in the ‘60s, as the ...
Not having control can be anxiety-inducing, and we can try and combat this by trying to control things we can’t. It helps to focus on things that you can control, from small things and big things, and also thinking about how we cancontrol our anxiety levels by being kind to ourselves...
and college students are among the hardest hit. A recent report by Brigham Young University found that 20% of students struggle with feelings of inadequacy and doubt about their achievements. It’s a real issue that can lead to anxiety, and even depression. Sohow to avoid burnoutwhile having...
So if you learned that your nose looks ugly (even if it doesn’t), experiences, where your nose is of no consequence, is likely to eventually, after years, erase that learning. If you have anxiety about leaving the house, years of leaving the house without feeling the stress that accompa...
Sometimes just “getting out there” and meeting other people isn’t enough. It's possible to still feel lonely when you’re around them, which could actually be a sign of depression or social anxiety. If this is the case for you, it may be a good idea to seek psychotherapy to help ...