Check Your Journal Indexed in Scopus or Not ->Search Now This is an article about how to identify Scopus indexed journals. It discusses what Scopus is and the difference between SCI, SCIE, and SCImago journals. It also details steps to follow to find if a journal is indexed in Scopus. F...
In this blog, we outline the process for verifying how to check scopus coverage, scopus Author IDs and Scopus journal titles.
Collecting and reading relevant research articles to one’s research areas is important for PhD scholars. However, downloading a research paper is one of the most difficult tasks for any research scholar. You must pay for access to high-quality research materials or subscribe to the journal or p...
I'm not sure what you mean by checking the "terms" of a journal.If I have understood your questions correctly, you wish to check if your target journal is indexed in an indexing database such as Scopus, ISI, or Scimago. To check if your manuscript is indexed in the ISI Web o...
It is similar and often complementary to online research tools like Scopus and online libraries are designed for academic research among documents within that single university’s records. Similarly, the scope of any other literature database is often confined to its own data....
View in ScopusGoogle Scholar [6] K. Stegmaier, K.N. Ross, S.A. Colavito, S. O’Malley, B.R. Stockwell, T.R. Golub Gene expression-based high-throughput screening (GE-HTS) and application to leukemia differentiation Nat. Genet., 36 (3) (2004), pp. 257-263, 10.1038/ng1305 View...
Basically I don't know how I can get my journal indexed in data bases related to my field such as Master file, EBSCO, Scopus, Ulrich, Cooper nix, ERIC, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Proquest, etc. How can I decide which indexing agency I have to choose? I am working for a journal ...
I submitted a paper to Thomson Reuters ESCI Journal, and they are asking me to complete a registration and pay a fee of around $400 to publish the paper. But later I found that my University gives preference to Scopus-Indexed journals. How can I cancel the previous s...
Include Access Date (if needed):If the repository is likely to change over time, such as being continuously updated, you may want to include the date you accessed the repository in the citation. 4. Adhering to Journal Guidelines While the APA style is commonly used for citing GitHub repositor...
doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.24917.76000Ashraf S Alias