This is an article about how to identify Scopus indexed journals. It discusses what Scopus is and the difference between SCI, SCIE, and SCImago journals. It also details steps to follow to find if a journal is indexed in Scopus. Finally, the article lists other helpful resources. Some impor...
How to Identify Yourself as a Researcher: Get a Scopus Author Profile IDdoi:10.13140/RG.2.2.15492.65923Samah_Elaidy
I'm not sure what you mean by checking the "terms" of a journal.If I have understood your questions correctly, you wish to check if your target journal is indexed in an indexing database such as Scopus, ISI, or Scimago. To check if your manuscript is indexed in the ISI Web o...
The employer reputation indicator draws from the survey responses of graduate employers worldwide. Employers are asked to identify institutions they consider excellent for the recruitment of graduates. They are also asked to identify the disciplines from which they prefer to recruit. Research citation...
Basically I don't know how I can get my journal indexed in data bases related to my field such as Master file, EBSCO, Scopus, Ulrich, Cooper nix, ERIC, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Proquest, etc. How can I decide which indexing agency I have to choose? I am working for a journal ...
RP and SP data were used to identify the influential factors affecting the travel choice for the customized bus mode in the post COVID-19 period. Also, the effects of commuter heterogeneity were investigated. The summary of the findings is presented below. First, the MNL model was proved to...
5. Identify free datasets: Not all datasets on IEEE DataPort are free. Look for datasets with “Open Access” listed under the “Access” section. These datasets are freely available to all users with an account. 6. Downloading free datasets: ...
Although this study is focused on qualitative analysis, we used a frequency analysis of the coded papers to support the qualitative results (Sandelowski, 2001). While a close reading of the analyzed papers allowed us to identify and characterize the most important themes, a frequency analysis of...
The decentralized Internet aims to (i) prevent the concentration of user data in a few giant companies like Google and Facebook, and (ii) give users full ownership and control of their data. Various technical solutions that address the data consolidation problem have been proposed; however, ...
18.16What Is Scopus? This is the world’s largest database and includes cited articles, journals, books, and conference proceedings They are all peer-reviewed. It is easy to use and includes more than 36,377 titles. It is maintained by Elsevier and includes citations from top licenses, soci...