Here you can see that the given journal “Nature Reviews Genetics” is indexed in theScopus database. Also, you will get a Scopusimpact factor and journal citationreports for the last five years. Simple Step-by-Step Guide to Search Scopus Indexed Journals 2024 Here are the steps to check S...
Answer: I'm not sure what you mean by checking the "terms" of a journal.If I have understood your questions correctly, you wish to check if your target journal is indexed in an indexing database such as Scopus, ISI, or Scimago. To check if your manuscript is indexed in the IS...
search, access, and manage data. The data platform is designed to accept all formats and sizes of datasets (up to 2TB), and it provides both downloading capabilities and access to datasets in the Cloud. IEEE DataPort is a universally accessible web-based portal that serves four primary ...
For instance, DID focuses on how to define identifiers of users and nodes and how to verify their public keys. “Incentive” aims to promote peers’ participation in a given system for higher availability. Users contribution to the system is typically evaluated in terms of the storage capacity,...
If you are on any local domain of Scholar, click on “Go to Google Scholar” below the main search box on the screen. (Sometimes, this option is not available depending on your location. To solve this problem, you can use a VPN or a proxy software to mask your location) Verify that...
Learn how to properly cite GitHub repositories in academic journals using the APA style. Understand the essential elements of the citation
All reports coded by the students were checked by the first author to verify that the rules described in the manual had been applied correctly and no information was missed. The extracted information includes participant characteristics (e.g., the age, gender, clinical, ethnic, and socio...
Learning analytics can be used to help prevent failure cases. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the scientific production in this area in higher education in journals indexed in Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science and Elsevier’s Scopus. We use a bibliometric and systematic study to ...