An introduction to the experimental assays / methods used to measure physical protein-protein interactions. The presentation first introduces the definitions of physical interactions (direct vs. co-co
In addition, by introducing the scanner evanescent excitation method, without performing a washing removal operation of probe solution, lectin - it has become possible to detect the interaction of carbohydrate between.平林 淳久野 敦中村 祥子
Most of the cellular functions are the result of the concerted action of protein complexes forming pathways and networks. For this reason, efforts were devoted to the study of protein-protein interactions. Large-scale experiments on whole genomes allowed
Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) play vital roles in life and provide new opportunities for therapeutic interventions. In this large data analysis, 3,300 inhibitors of PPIs (iPPIs) were compared to 17 reference datasets of collectively ~566,000 compou
The enzyme nitrogenase ‘fixes’ nitrogen gas to form bioavailable ammonia, a vital process for life. Two studies solve a long-standing mystery: how a small protein saves nitrogenase from destruction by oxygen. By Amy C. Rosenzweig Twitter Facebook Email The most abundant form of nitrogen — ...
to generate a double strandbreak (DSB) in the DNA at a specific locus in the genome. To achieve thisprecise DSB researchers have developed engineered nucleases, also termed “molecularscissors”. Previous efforts have focused in the molecular understanding andredesign of different protein templates, ...
The electron density map of the variable region of one of the molecules was too poorly defined to build a model due to the high flexibility of the protein. Nevertheless we were able to construct a model of the other molecule, although the residues from L-Ile150 to L-Gln156, from L-...
The ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) is recognized by scientists for its many advantages. The assay is convenient, quick, and simple to execute. ELISA’s versatility to detect peptides, proteins, antibodies, and hormones, and its ability to gene
The immune system is a complex network of specialized cells that work in concert to protect against invading pathogens and tissue damage. Imbalances in this network often result in excessive or absent immune responses leading to allergies, autoimmune dis
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