GameMaker Studio automatically imports the sprite sheet and opens the sprite editor. At the bottom of the sprite editor window you can see the individual sprite frames in which the sheet has been split, according to the file name suffix. If you've changed the sprite sheet, use theImportbutton...
I don’t know if you’re trying to do melee attacks or not, but you could ignore everything about hitting the enemy and this is exactly what you need. It shows state machines and gives you a great animation_end() script. ( also quick tip in the attack script change image index =...
change the shape of the collision mask (EG: give the ellipse sprite a diamond mask) and see how that affects things. change the script being used for one of the other collision functions or actions and see how they work. change the bounding box settings in the sprite editor to "clip" ...
First however we need to modify a couple of objects in the game so they'll be ready for use when the controller is added. To start with, open the object obj_fragment and in the create event change the code to be like this: image_index = random(4); image_speed = 0; speed = ...
Dark Raven wrote:"Basically the scene creates a global variable called xxx_change_window that is defualted to 1. In the setup function it checks to see if the value is 1 and if it is it runs the display functions. If you set that variable to 0 before calling the setup function it wi...
Click the "Main 2" tab and drag the icon that looks like a stopwatch into the "Actions" panel. Change the "number of steps" setting to read "room_speed." Remember that "room_speed" tells the game how many frames will occur in one second. Now you are setting an alarm to go off ...
The “Clown” is a lot easier to configure, with just two steps. Go to the “properties” tab in the “Clown” tab and change the group to “Enemies”. Next, go to the “Behaviors” tab and add the “stompable” behavior. From here, add the “Stomped” animation and add the “...
The player’s sprite (an “actor”) has its pixel data forced to a particular silhouette colour and is then drawn to this surface. This drawing operation is special – it doesn’t change the transparency of the surface data, only the colour data. This means wherever a player pixel and ...
array holds, the harder it would be to track each one and the easier it would be to target the wrong array value in operations. To help with this, you can createmacrosfor each of the values. Amacroin this context is simply a named value constant that will never change throughout the ...
At this time i want to only create instances of o_block2 object via buffer or loading system. Thanks a lot. Your welcome for GMS1, Thanks again. I have also understood something, it seems the number of o_block2 is related to the buffer size, if i...