First, steps inPokémon Brilliant DiamondandShining Pearldon’t actually have to be steps, but distance traveled on your bike. Find yourself a nice, long stretch of land, preferably with no wild Pokémon on it, and start doing laps. There’s even a nice path between Route 209, going throu...
Choose Different Games to Trade Between To begin, choose the game to trade from, OR use the form below. FROM: TO: Get Trading Instructions This page explains how to trade from Pokémon Crystal to Pokémon Brilliant Diamond. Contents[] ...
The starter choices in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl return from the original generation IV. Choose either Piplup, Turtwig, or Chimchar.
The Poketch is a valuable Key Item in Pokemon Brillant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Players can unlock and use this item early in the game.
The Pokétch in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl is a very useful device that players will want to get their hands on. It has all manner of functions, from displaying your Pokémon to showing their health, happiness, monitoring your eggs, and so much more. ...
Ability Patches will allow players to unlock hidden abilities within their Pokémon in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Many Pokémon might have a hidden ability on top of their normal abilities, and some of them can be quite powerful. ...
Here's how to find and capture the Legendary Pokémon Mesprit while you traverse the Sinnoh region. There's no shortage of unique Pokémon to capture while out and about in the Sinnoh region of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. One such is the legendary Pokémon Mesprit, part o...
In total, there are 25 Natures a Pokémon can be randomly assigned inPokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Here are all the Natures in the game, which stats will get a positive boost, and which will be negatively affected. Adamant:↑Attack ↓Sp. Atk. ...
In Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, to unlock the National Pokédex, you need to have seen pokémon 001 through 150 in your Pokédex. You will see most of the pokémon in the Sinnoh Pokédex if you battle all of the trainers on the routes that you take during the story. See...
In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, fossils exist solely in the Grand Underground, and they can be difficult to track. Here’s a breakdown of how to get fossils and revive them. You must dig for fossils in the Grand Underground of Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl at yellow gl...