First, steps inPokémon Brilliant DiamondandShining Pearldon’t actually have to be steps, but distance traveled on your bike. Find yourself a nice, long stretch of land, preferably with no wild Pokémon on it, and start doing laps. There’s even a nice path between Route 209, going throu...
but they've changed how players can get Munchlax. Munchlax was one of the rarest Pokémon to find in the originalDiamondandPearlgames for the Nintendo DS, and thankfully the challenge of trying to capture one is a lot less labor-intensive in the remakes. Dedicated fans of the original games...
The Pokétch in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl is a very useful device that players will want to get their hands on. It has all manner of functions, from displaying your Pokémon to showing their health, happiness, monitoring your eggs, and so much more. Recommended Videos How ...
plushow to earn money fast,how to beat the Elite Four,how the Trophy Garden works, andhow to get the DS sounds and Catching Charm. We also have afull and updated list of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining
The starter choices in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl return from the original generation IV. Choose either Piplup, Turtwig, or Chimchar.
Choose Different Games to Trade Between To begin, choose the game to trade from, OR use the form below. FROM: TO: Get Trading Instructions This page explains how to trade from Pokémon Crystal to Pokémon Brilliant Diamond. Contents[] ...
The Pokémon Company has used remakes of older, less accessible generations as stepping stones between new gens in the past decade. From the enormously popularOmega Ruby & Alpha Sapphireto the less-well-receivedBrilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl, fans have had a chance to journey back through impo...
You can also play Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl for another remake experience. Pokemon Legends: Arceus is also an option, but it is very different from the other mainline games. If you're wanting to dive right into Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, it's worth noting that you likely won't...
Here's how to find and capture the Legendary Pokémon Mesprit while you traverse the Sinnoh region. There's no shortage of unique Pokémon to capture while out and about in the Sinnoh region of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. One such is the legendary Pokémon Mesprit, part o...
Aside from stats, Natures also play a role in what Poffins a Pokémon will like most. This is less important, but sincePokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearlintroduced Super Contest Shows, it is another factor that you will want to pay attention to. ...