In Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, to unlock the National Pokédex, you need to have seen pokémon 001 through 150 in your Pokédex. You will see most of the pokémon in the Sinnoh Pokédex if you battle all of the trainers on the routes that you take during the story. See...
You can also play Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl for another remake experience. Pokemon Legends: Arceus is also an option, but it is very different from the other mainline games. If you're wanting to dive right into Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, it's worth noting that you likely won't...
You need to find Drifloon to complete your Pokedex in Pokemon BDSP. You will only find 1 Drifloon in the game so you have to catch it when you get the opportunity. To find Drifloon, first, you will need to defeat the Team Galactic members who tried to corner off the wind plant. Go...
To help players complete this goal, below is a breakdown of every Pokemon in the Indigo Disk Blueberry Pokedex, and where to find them on the map. Related: All Shiny Locked Pokemon in The Indigo Disk Every Pokemon in The Indigo Disk Blueberry Pokedex Screenshot via Gamepur While many ...
The final way to get this item is by finding themfrom captured or defeated Duskulls, Dusclops, and Dusknoirs in the wild. These drops are not guaranteed, but they have a chance of dropping them after battling. You’ll naturally get one if you’re trying to complete their Pokedex entries...
First off, it is not possible for every Pokemon to be moved into the Gen 8 titles: Pokémon Sword and Shield. The only Pokemon that you can transfer over to either one of these are those that appear in the original Galar Pokedex, as well as the DLC Ise of Armor and Crown Tundra ...
, and region variants do not count towards completing the dex Having a complete Live Dex is one of the hardest tasks in the Pokemon series, and is required in order to receive the Pokeball Colored Magearna. If players are missing a few Pokemon, they can trade for them on the GTS. ...
BDSP Sinnoh Dex is here for anyone that needs it: A gentle reminder that BDSP's expanded roster of options compared to the original games do not count as part of the Sinnoh Pokedex ...
Where to find a shovel in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 How to easily repair weapons in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Top Discussions The Fantastic Four: First Steps' first trailer really wants you to know what everyone's powers are, forgets that this is the third time we've seen them on the...
Elekid can be tracked down in spots like the Stargleam Cavern, though it can only be caught in the Brilliant Diamond title—if you have Shining Pearl, you’ll need to trade with someone who has the opposite game.[6] Improve your chances of finding an Elekid with an Electirizer by ...