Main objective of this tutorial is to explain how to display projectile trajectory path in Unity 3D with code sample (example). Step 1 Understand About Projectile A projectile is an object upon which the only force acting is gravity. There are a variety of examples of projectiles. A cannonbal...
with same capabilities as Flash plus improved functionality. When looking for tools to port Flash games/videos to HTML5, you are likely to find none. It is a more complicated matter, and even usingUnityto convert Flash is a bit different from what you may expect. ...
usingUnityEngine;publicclassSC_WeaponManager:MonoBehaviour{publicCameraplayerCamera;publicSC_WeaponprimaryWeapon;publicSC_WeaponsecondaryWeapon;[HideInInspector]publicSC_WeaponselectedWeapon;// Start is called before the first frame updatevoidStart(){//At the start we enable the primary weapon and disable...
rigidbody.AddForce (((lastPos - initPos).normalized) * (Vector3.Distance (lastPos, initPos)) * 25 * duceObject.rigidbody.mass); } 2.3 Methods This is how RollTheDice method works: Initially, Torque is added to rotate the dice while rolling a dice. Than Force is added so it will ...
Add the following function to the Player object script: function OnTriggerEnter(other : Collider){ if(other.gameObject.tag == 'PickUp') other.gameObject.setActive(false); } Set Box collider Is Trigger to true in the Pickup prefab and this gives you OnTrigger function Unity caches all the ...
How to make a Video Game in Unity的课程笔记。 1. 基础 Scene 视图,滚动鼠标中键缩放,opt+左键以视图中心为轴心旋转。 Hierarchy 视图中的元素 Inspector 放 components,使对象做不同的事 Assets 资源,拖放到视图中,会在 Hierarchy 中显示 左上角 5 个 icon 对应 q, w, e, r, t 快捷键,可以移动画幅...