In the URP asset, in Filtering > Opaque Layer Mask, clear the check mark next to the Character Layer. Now Unity does not render the character unless it's behind a GameObject. Add a new Render Objects Renderer Feature, and call it Character. In the Character...
I have this brick wall in a project that I am working on. I modelled the wall itself in Blender: its a whole bunch of bricks which stick out a little from a cube that is meant to be the "mortar". The bricks themselves have their own material with the shad...
I have drawn a circle by shader, but I can't get anti-aliasing to work. I tried finding an answer here, but I have to use discard to draw circle. Here is a picture of my current shader result...
A Skybox is a six-sided cube that Unity draws behind all graphics in the Scene. Here are the steps to create one:
If you wish to use or edit these tilemaps, you will need to add Unity’s 2D extras to your project, as most of the tiles in these demos’ tile palettes rely on them. To add the 2D extras to your project, simply download the latest release’s source as a zip, and extract its ...
HDRP Custom Pass differently controls how the Editor renders the objects in a Scene when using DX12 compared to DX11 - Dec 16, 2024 Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project "ReproProj" 2. Open the “/Assets/Scenes/SeeThrough.unity” Scene 3... Legacy Documentation: Version 2017.2 (Go to current version) Language: English Unity Manual Unity User Manual (2017.2) Working in Unity 2D Graphics Graphics Overview Lighting Cameras Materials, Shaders & Textures Video overview Terrain Engine Tree Editor Particle Systems What is a ...
line.material=newMaterial(Shader.Find("Diffuse")); line.SetVertexCount(2); line.SetWidth(0.1f,0.1f); line.SetColors(,; line.useWorldSpace=true; } // Following method adds collider to created line privatevoidaddColliderToLine() ...
Once applied, go ahead and play the game to see the shader in action: While it's not visible in this still image, you will notice that in the Unity editor, the object will now move in both the X and Y axes! Feel free to drag the X Scroll Speed and Y Scroll Speed properties in...
Step-by-step Unity Shader Setup Guide Setting up shaders in Unity is quite simple. The path to the black belt in shaders looks like this: 1. Create new material. Add the floor, or something else from a scene, and select a shader that doesn’t have an outline. It could be theFlexib...